Ars Technica
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Efforts at developing open source versions of .NET met with suspicion?. Open-source development of Microsoft's .NET framework is well-underway. Some are questioning the motivation behind two of the projects. By Adam "StoneTable" Israel. |
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Revisions coming for Prescott Pentium P4. While Prescott's debut was lackluster and showed signs of an Intel in trouble, there's hope in sight. By Ken "Caesar" Fisher. |
Boing Boing Blog
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Xeni on NPR: Cheeseball pop love songs are poetry, too.. 
On today's edition of the NPR program "Day to Day," I interview a University of Pennsylvania writing instructor who is teaching her students the common literary elements found in simple pop songs from the '70s and '80s, classic love poems, and sonnets. Her course is called "Hit Me Baby One More Time -- The Erotic Lyric Tradition", and uses two recently-published compilations of uber-schlocky pop song lyrics: I Can't Fight This Feeling (love songs), and You Give Love a Bad Name (breakup songs).
Listen to the archived audio segment after 12PM PT, and hear what may well be the most hilarious 30 seconds in NPR history: award-winning news man Carl Kassel performing a reading of the Pat Benatar classic "Love is a Battlefield." Who loves you, baby?
Link to archived audio (Real and WM), available after 12PM PT.
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Great Star Wars photo remix. 
I'm greatly amused by this remixed, Star Wars-themed photo of an iced-over freezer.
160k JPEG Link
(Thanks, Neils!)
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ETCON in five-minute chunks in San Fran and London, Monday. If you missed ETCON, it's not too late -- ConCons are planned for next Monday in San Francisco and London, at which many of the ETCON speakers and attendees will recapitulate their ETCON talks as five minute lightning talks, with beer, in bars.
If you saw some good stuff at etech and want to tell people - or spoke at etech and want to retell your work to a wider audience, sign up below. Then force other people you know to do the same. The more people we have, the less you'll have to do!
The format is a casual, five-minute lightning talk with a friendly audience, with the emphasis less on five minutes and more on questions and answers. We'll just go through names until we run out of time. Then we'll have fun.
Link |
CNET News.com - Front Door
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Windows code up for grabs. Net users are downloading pirated versions of Microsoft's source code, fueling concerns that hackers could crack open vital pieces of software that run millions of computers. |
Yahoo! News - Technology
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PC-Mac PasswordVault 2.0 (Ziff Davis). Ziff Davis - Lava Software's PC-Mac PasswordVault 2.0 stores username and password information for Web sites in a secure but easily-accessible software vault. |
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Beware of 'I Love You' emails, Indian anti-virus software firm warns (AFP). AFP - "I Love You" emails on Valentine's Day may trigger a virus attack that could paralyse corporate networks, an Indian anti-virus softwaremaker warned. |
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Canon, Seiko Epson, HP to set printing standard for camera phones (AFP). AFP - The world's three leading printer makers said they will form a consortium to create a standard for printing photographs directly from cellphones equipped with a digital camera. |
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Microsoft Source Follow-Up |
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Canadian Recording Industry Goes After P2P Users |
InfoWorld: Security
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Update: Secret Windows code leaked onto Net. Microsoft Corp. confirmed late Thursday that some of the secret code underlying its Windows NT and Windows 2000 operating
systems has been leaked on the Internet. The company played down any potential security concerns the leak might cause. |
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IBM, Cisco team on network security. Tech giants IBM Corp. and Cisco Systems Inc. are collaborating to address network security threats such as hackers, worms,
and viruses, the companies said on Friday. |
SecurityFocus Vulnerabilities
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BugTraq: Re: W2K source "leaked"?. Sender: [telec at ureach dot com] |
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Vulnerabilities: Caucho Technology Resin Source Code Disclosure Vulnerability. Caucho Resin is a XML application server that provides support for servlets and JSP. Apache is a freely available, open source web server software package. It is distrib... |
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Vulnerabilities: Caucho Technology Resin Directory Listings Disclosure Vulnerability. Caucho Resin is a XML application server that provides support for servlets and JSP. Apache is a freely available, open source web server software package. It is distrib... |
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Vulnerabilities: Microsoft Internet Explorer Shell: IFrame Cross-Zone Scripting Vulnerability. It has been alleged that Microsoft Internet Explorer is prone to an issue that may allow hostile script code to access properties of an IFrame that has been opened in the... |
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Vulnerabilities: MaxWebPortal Multiple Input Validation Vulnerabilities. MaxWebPortal is a web portal and online community system designed to generate dynamic content using data stored in a SQL/MySQl database.
Multiple vulnerabilities have b... |
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Vulnerabilities: Eggdrop Share Module Arbitrary Share Bot Add Vulnerability. Eggdrop is an Open Source multi-platform IRC (Internet Relay Chat) robot, designed for IRC channel administration and maintenance. Eggdrop may be configured as a share Bo... |
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Vulnerabilities: Platform Load Sharing Facility LSF_ENVDIR Local Command Execution Vulnerability. Load Sharing Facility is a high availability and load balancing software package distributed and maintained by Platform. It is available for Unix, Linux, and Microsoft W... |
The Register
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'Help! I married a Net porn star'. Man encounters wife on amateur smut site |
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Nvidia Q4 figures fail to lift full-year totals. Income halved |
NewsIsFree: Security
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Elsewhere: Worm turns on Japanese Windows |
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Elsewhere: 'Robin Hood' virus on the loose |
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US Congress Committee Talking About Privac |
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AOL Peeved by Adware Outbreak |
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MS Source Code Laid Bare |
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RSA Offering Digital Certificate Validation Check in Real Time |
About Internet/Network Security
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Free Wireless Network Security Tools. A new section has been added to the Free Internet / Network Security Tools portion of the site. The Free Wireless Security Tools section contains tools to help you test, secure and monitor your wireless network. There are tools to... |