Bruce and Jennifer over at the N&R's Chalkboard blog have their hands full.
People are, for the most part, quite pissed at Superintendent Grier. Here's the tenor of the conversation, provided by "another Andrews mom":
"I think he wants to throw Andrews away. I think it's great the elementary schools will get more money. What about my kids? They don't count? Has everyone just given up on Andrews?"
Their post regarding the possibility of our School Board's redistribution of Title I funds has generated 48 comments as of this writing. The two reporters are so busy conversing with everyone on the blog that I'll be surprised if they get time to file another print edition story for several days. But they are asking readers to help with a follow up.
Yeah, I know... this blogging thing is probably just a passing fad. (Thanks to 'Gamblin Man' for the heads up on the action)
6:15:45 PM  