Updated: 11/1/2004; 9:44:08 AM
3rd House Party
    The 3rd house in astrology is associated with writing, conversation, personal thoughts, day-to-day things, siblings and neighbors.

daily link  Sunday, October 31, 2004

Indian summer

It was Indian summer here in New England today – sunny and around 70ºF. Too bad it wasn’t so nice yesterday for the big Red Sox parade in Boston, not that a chilly drizzle dampened 3.2 million fans’ spirits. I watched it on TV with my parents when I got to their place yesterday and I have to say the joy and excitement was contagious right through the TV screen to where we were home, warm and dry. As I commented to Susan, I was floating on all that joy until I asked my dad who he was voting for (NH is a swing state) and he told me he was leaning towards Bush, after I thought I’d convinced him otherwise. Sigh. I had to work hard to patch that hole in my balloon and summon up visions of Manny and Pedro and duck boats and little kids in Red Sox gear to re-inflate it.


Speaking of little kids in Red Sox gear, no kids showed up dressed as players for Halloween tonight. That really surprised me. A Darth Vader, Harry Potter, Batman, a very tiny cowboy, even Death arrived at my door, but no Red Sox players. Shocking. We didn’t get many kids this year, maybe because the Patriots were playing? Unfortunately we have lots of Kit Kats and Butterfingers left over.


After visiting my folks yesterday, I drove down to Amy’s for chaperone duty, fixed up some spaghetti sauce for me and my 17-year-old “charge,” and settled in for an evening of relentless rubber-bone throwing and tugging with Sienna. By benefit of turning the clocks back, I woke up at what was now considered “early.” Since my godson drank the very last drop of milk in the house the night before, I had to go out for my tea (I drink it with milk) to the nearest Starbucks. It was already warm out when I got back and took the dog for a walk. I only brought long-sleeved shirts because, well, it’s almost November! So I put on the short-sleeved t-shirt I slept in last night and then drove down to Newton to see Lori’s fabulous kitchen renovation. We had lunch at Baker’s Best, then went for a nice walk in Cold Spring Park. On some paths there were yellow leaves surrounding us, completely covering the ground and still clinging to some of the trees above, all lit up by the sun. Before long it’ll all be brown and so November. But today was perfect.


Lots of work all of a sudden, but I have tomorrow afternoon set aside for the asado on Fernando’s new parrilla (outdoor barbecue) with Adriana, Sandra and Maddy. That should be fun. I think the weather will be cooler tomorrow, but still nice.


Copyright 2004 © the 3rd house party hostess