Donnerstag, 9. Dezember 2004

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US-Senat verabschiedet Weltraumtourismus-Gesetz

Der US-Senat hat einem Gesetzesvorschlag des Repräsentantenhauses zur Regulierung privat finanzierter Weltraumflüge mit Passagieren (H.R. 5382) zugestimmt. Vorbehaltlich der Unterschrift des Präsidenten kann die Flugaufsichtsbehörde FAA (Federal Aviation Administration) auf Grundlage des Commercial Space Launch Amendments Act of 2004 privaten Unternehmen künftig die Genehmigung erteilen, Passagiere gegen Gebühr ins Weltall zu befördern. In dem Gesetz ist festgeschrieben, dass die FAA erst acht Jahre nach I

(heise online.)

7:11:15 PM   trackback [] 

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DSL down? Blame it on those Xmas lights.

Christmas lights

BT has a rather grinchy reason for why you might be having some problems with your DSL service around this time of year, at least if you live in Britain: they’ve been warning ISPs that sketchy “imported” Christmas lights that aren’t up to UK electrical standards are causing radio interference that “may cause broadband service to lose synchronisation.”


7:09:04 PM   trackback [] 

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Trade Secrets forthcoming

Today I discovered by accident, that my new GSM phone has the built in capability to record a phone call. In fact, in can record about 8 hours worth of conversations, depending on what else you've got stored on it. And I can transfer the files to my mac with bluetooth in seconds. The files convert easily into any file format (mp3 is my pref of course) and the quality is quite decent, at least it sounded good in this test.

So, no excuse not to record a Trade Secrets with Dave. It turned into a really good show and I will upload it from Amsterdam tomorrow (I'm on a day trip).

Since I'm gone all day and will certainly miss the *$$ (starbucks) curfew of 6 pm, I won't be able to do a source code, but am certain you will like the latest installment of Trade Secrets. Point your ipodders here and watch this space for the show link.

May I suggest listening to Dave's Morning Coffee Notes as a primer to our show and a perfect replacement of your daily code.

Oh, and go figure that Skype releases a new Mac version today that support some of the audio features podcasters have been begging for.

(Adam Curry: Adam Curry's Weblog.)

1:18:52 AM   trackback []