There are a couple of good comments on my Networking post from a couple of days ago. Check them out. I'm digesting a lot of additional information that's come my way. Read the comments, but the gist is that EtherNet/IP prides itself on using just the TCP/UDP/IP stack of what is commonly called Ethernet. Profinet likes to bypass that stack for "real-time" information using an "Ethernet type" as defined by IEEE.
I think the marketing war of words will probably go on. The real questions are on the order of "what's 'real-time'", why should we care, what applications work better on one versus the other (or are they both similar), from an end user point of view is one easier to configure and install than the other, what really is Ethernet. If we start looking at ease of use and applications, then we're starting to get into useful information. More to come, I'm sure.
1:41:25 PM