Saturday, December 1, 2007 |
Here's an article in The New York Times that shows the benefits of common sense over ideology (I don't care whose ideology, by the way, I'm equal opportunity in favor of common sense) in feeding people. What a concept! Washington tells a company to grow cash crops and import food. The country decides to grow food -- then sell its surplus.
3:59:28 PM
Robert Scoble says he might be a tablet PC evangelist again. A few years ago, he was the Microsoft Geek blogger and was a tablet evangelist. Reading between the lines of his post, I surmise that HP will be announcing a tablet at CES next month. I used a Palm much like a tablet for years. Then a couple of years ago I decided to consolidate the number of devices I carry and went to the Treo (phone and Palm). At the time there was no way to sync a Windows Mobile phone to my Mac, so I want with Palm OS. Trouble is, Palm has evidently ceased improving anything. Having so many devices on one OS, my Palm Treo now locks up too often making it unusable as a tablet. I've regressed to carrying a paper notebook around to take notes. I just found a sync solution for Windows Mobile to Mac, so I may regress to carrying a separate phone and Palm again. But I'll look at these new tablets. Maybe they'll fill my needs.
2:21:54 PM
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