I chose not to attend the SPS trade fair in Nuremberg, Germany the end of November. Missed the ODVA press conference and announcements. It had three.
First, specifications for the integration of Modbus devices into the Common Industrial Protocol (CIP) architecture have been published. It provides for a standard translation of a subset of CIP functions into the appropriate Modbus functions. This gives existing Modbus/TCP users a path to CIP networks. The release states the extension requires no change to existing Modbus/TCP or EtherNet/IP target devices in order to take advantage of the connectivity. Also, no changes are required for installed CIP-Modbus gateway devices. Products incorporating this new functionality are anticipated to be on the market in 2008.
ODVA also has published new editions of the specifications for the family of CIP Networks, which includes updates for EtherNet/IP, DeviceNet, CompoNet and ControlNet. These new editions represent the second publication update of these specifications in 2007, and they bring a range of enhancements to the specifications aimed at delivering increased ease of configuration for users according to the press release.
The new editions include 23 specification enhancements. The enhancements include new specifications for industrially hardened cables and provides active interface design requirements for industrial interfaces, while still supporting commercial products and interfaces, new device profile for an enhanced MassFlow controller, and new media for CompoNet.
ODVA also will be establishing a Test Service Provider for DeviceNet and EtherNet/IP conformance testing in China.
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