Monday, March 01, 2004

The Constitution on Steroids

According to the LA Times:

The White House wants to organize a summit of representatives from the major sports leagues and the U.S. Olympic Committee to discuss steroid use by athletes.

Officials at Major League Baseball, the NFL, NBA, NHL and USOC confirmed Sunday they were contacted by the White House about such a meeting.
Why just a summit?  Why not go all the way and push for a constitutional amendment?  They could combine it with the anti-gay marriage amendment and prohibit gay couples on steroids from getting married and competing in sports.
8:57:10 PM    

Reversal of Fortune

Caption for photo on front page of today's LA Times: "Armed rebel is carried on the shoulders of Haitians in Port-au-Prince"

Followup photo caption in tomorrow's LA Times: "Disarmed, dislegged, disemboweled Haitian rebel gathers flies in a ditch in Port-au-Prince"

11:54:02 AM