Sunday, May 09, 2004

Multimedia Abu Ghraib

According to a New York Times' account of  this week's Congressional testimony by Donald Rumsfeld:

Mr. Rumsfeld also warned that investigators had more pictures, and even videos, of a "sadistic, cruel and inhuman" nature.

"It's going to get still more terrible, I'm afraid," Mr. Rumsfeld said.
It will get even more terrible when the DVDs are released.
5:05:42 PM    

Frozen Phalluses

With the third round of the NHL playoffs underway, prove to yourself that hockey is the most macho of sports by reciting at high speed these actual broadcasters' on-air comments:

- "Cheechoo had both hands on his stick and was just jamming."
- "That one bounced off Pratt's stick."
- "Mike Ricci was surprised and couldn't get his stick on the ice."
- "Primeau went into the middle of the ice with his stick down."
- "Loose puck picked up as it went off Stillman's stick."
- "When he gets that puck on his stick, he's thinking of putting it just one place."
- "He couldn't even pick up his stick."
- "The shaft of Kiprusoff's stick was wedged between his legs."
- "Roenick hit somebody with his stick."
- "Jason Marshall got his stick in before he fell down and blocked it."
- "Domi just poked Marcus Ragnarrson with his stick."
- "Mike Rathje caught him with his stick as he was going by him."
- "Willie Niemenen with some tremendous stick work."

5:04:02 PM