Wednesday, May 19, 2004

Total Recall

The supplier of the raw almonds I used to devour by the bucketfull has just voluntarily recalled a shipment. 

This is the first ever almond recall for Paramount Farms and there has never been any incidence of salmonella in the company's history.

We have recently been informed that the Food and Drug Administration and Oregon and California health officials are investigating several illnesses of individuals in the western United States linked to a strain of Salmonella Enteritidis.  While no salmonella has been found in Paramount products, as part of this investigation, regulators are reviewing shipments of our raw whole natural almonds distributed to our customers with "best before" dates ranging between August 21, 2004 and March 15, 2005.

Fortunately, in recent years, I've taken to eating Trader Joe's dry roasted almonds rather than the raw variety. 

This illustrates the precariousness of modern life.  You go about your business confident of achieving longevity, and then suddenly, you're done in by a handful of nuts.  As Dick Cheney would say, it's a dangerous world.

10:08:11 PM