Friday, May 28, 2004

Casual Friday

With Memorial Day weekend launching the busy summer travel season, transportation officials are urging travelers to remain vigilant and report any suspicious activity.

In security circles, this is known as a BOLO alert -- Be On the LookOut.  Proper dress for such an occasion includes, of course, a bolo tie.

Earlier in the week, John Ashcroft announced in a press conference that Al Qaeda was devising new ways of gaining entry to the USA, including recruiting European members and bringing entire families with them.  Thus, they could look like anyone.

This is the perfect opportunity to get even with that overbearing boss, noisy neighbor, or philandering spouse.  Just phone in an anonymous tip to the Bureau of Homeland Security or the Justice Department, and watch them be designated an Enemy Combatant and disappear forever into the bowels of Guantanamo.

6:46:48 PM