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Wednesday, June 16, 2004

You too can pretend to be a scholar [posted by Troy] As I am studying, I am picking up a few tips on how I can sound smarter than I am. Remember, sounding smart is as important as being smart. Here are a few pointers that you may want to use:

The Literature: When you are talking about something you read, simply refer to it as "the literature." Refer to it in a manner that you'd use to refer to God, all knowing, always right, all powerful. For instance, "The literature indicates a need for more money." "The literature predicts sugar makes coffee sweet."
Models: Anything that can possibly be copied by someone else is a model. Whenever you decide to try something new, this is a model that others may want to copy. Nothing exists on its own. Everythign exists to be copied. For instance, "I have created a model for adding creamer to my coffee, which will transform our understanding of creaming coffee."
Post: When you talk about time periods never use the word "after." Instead, use the word post. For instance, "We now live in a post-cold war world." Or "Post-breakfast I will be leaving for work."
Pre: The inverse of "post." Never use the word before. For instance, "In a pre-Sammy Sosa world, we never how good baseball could be." or "Pre-oil change, my engine was running a bit rough."which will transform our understanding of creaming coffee."
Question Data: Even if you don't understand what the hell someone is talking about, question his or her data. For instance, "Yes, peptide bonds are an interesting natural occurrence, but what data are you using for a source of your theories?" or "Perhaps, age and genders are predictors of student success in college, but what's your data source that allows you make this claim?" This normally gets the individual talking in a new direction, and your ignorance may not be revealed. (This one is very useful.) which will transform our understanding of creaming coffee."
Agree then disagree: If you want to play it safe, agree then disagree (the old Bill Clinton tactic). For instance, "Yes, I agree that you would get minerals by eating handfuls of dirt, but I am also currious as to the health benefits of such a diet." or "Yes, robbing banks is an easy way to make a buck, but perhaps, there are other methods we could employ to enrich ourselves?"
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