
NEC develops 235ppi 3D display for cell phones [TechJapan]
6:06:45 PM    

First "Cellular Cinema Festival". First "Cellular Cinema Festival": Big, big blockbusters on wee, little screens. Deadline is in November; first prize is a trip to an island. (They seem to be looking more at non-interactive content, but I'm not sure how deep it goes.)... [JD on MX]
4:47:19 PM    

Virtual Keyboard. Virtual Keyboard: These light-projected keyboard sensors have been demo'd for awhile, but now the company in Japan seems to be taking orders. (See photo.)... [JD on MX]
4:46:28 PM    


排名第一的是1953年與好萊塢著名影星格利高裡·派克一起主演《羅馬假期》並飾演安妮公主的奧黛麗·赫本(Audrey Hepburn),該片風靡世界。奧黛麗·赫本扮演楚楚動人的安妮公主讓她獲得了奧斯卡最佳女演員獎。

名列第二的是來自美國緬因州波特蘭市,身高接近1.8米,具有模特般身材,風情萬種的女明星麗芙·泰勒(Liv Tyler)。《Elle》雜誌評價說:「麗芙具有不食人間煙火的氣質,她是精靈公主,更是公主中的精靈。」

位居第三的是在西方人的眼中被公認為氣質最高雅的女明星,凱特·布蘭切特(Cate Blanchett)。《Elle》對切特的評價是:「她的笑容是最有親和力,也是最有魅力的。」

第四名是野性十足的好萊塢女星,在美國娛樂圈享有「邪惡娃娃」和「野蠻女人」的「美譽」的安吉麗娜·朱莉(Angelina Jolie)。

第五名是奧斯卡影后,後來當上摩洛哥王妃的格蕾絲·凱麗(Grace Kelly)。她在銀幕上高貴美麗,在摩納哥的王宮裡也光彩照人。

第六名是來自澳洲,發跡於英國電視劇,演而優則唱的娜塔莉·安博莉亞(Natalie Imbruglia)。她的一首《Torn》蟬聯了英國廣 播電台一整年點播率最高的歌曲,並榮獲英國太陽日報票選「年度最佳女歌手」、「最受歡迎女藝人」、MTV「最佳新人」及Billboard「最佳年度單 曲」等殊榮。

第七名是當今好萊塢眾多女星中象徵美艷和性感,並曾被英國《GQ》雜誌選為「全球最性感二百位女性」之一的伊莉莎白·赫莉(Elizabeth Hurley)。

第八名是澳大利亞美女也是世界泳裝名模的艾爾·麥克珀森(Elle MacPherson)。

第九名是曾被譽為「好萊塢第一夫人」,即使不穿華貴的衣飾,也同樣熠熠生輝的英格麗·褒曼(Ingrid Bergman ) 。

第十名是「非常吸引人卻不做作」,不僅男性觀眾喜歡她,女性觀眾也想模仿她的髮型與服裝,被評為2004年「五十名全世界最漂亮人物」之一的珍妮佛·安妮斯頓( Jennifer Aniston)。

1:47:09 PM    

# 電器消耗電力參考表:
# 無線電話充電器 8W
# 大哥大充電器 10W
# 筆記型電腦 /8”TV 38-45W
# 手提音響/ CD
# 唱機 50W 100W
# 燈泡 100W
# 掃描器/螢幕 150W
# 傳真機 150W
# 小型電話交換機 150W
# 12”三速風扇 230W 20”
# 電視/ 錄影機 250W
# 小型電動手工具 150-350W
# 電腦/列表機 350W
1:46:07 PM    


時間 | 93/ 07/ 29  地點 | 台南縣政府數位學習中心
為因應政府” 挑戰2008數位台灣計畫”,台南縣政府從國科會爭取到”數位學習國家型科技計畫之全民數位學習-數位學習中心示範計畫”,預計從九十二年起以五年的時間 在全縣境內各鄉鎮,以鼓勵民間投資之方式,成立數位學習中心,除了可配合國家型計畫推動數位學習之外,亦期望能大幅縮減城鄉數位落差,藉以強化台南縣民資 訊時代之競爭力,並從農業大縣轉型為科技重鎮。

歷經一年的籌備與努力,全國第一座數位學習中心,由台南縣政府提供中正堂地下室之閒置空間,經公開招標方式委由台灣知識庫有限公司經營,於七月廿九日上午 九時於數位學習中心入口處舉行開幕儀式,由台南縣長蘇煥智親自主持揭幕,並有數位學習國家型科技計畫執行長及參與部會長官等多人蒞臨觀禮,現場並湧進大批 台南縣民前來共襄盛舉;會後開始提供課程試閱,預計即日起至九月十五日前將提供場地免費使用,供縣府員工、工商團體、民間社團、學校師生及全體縣民數位學 習之用。




1:45:27 PM    

SVG's XML Binding Language (sXBL). 2004-09-01: Through joint efforts, the Scalable Vector Graphics (SVG) Working Group and the CSS Working Group have released the First Public Working Draft of SVG's XML Binding Language (sXBL). The sXBL language defines the presentation and interactive behavior of elements outside the SVG namepace. A future version may extend XBL to any markup. Visit the SVG and CSS home pages. (News archive) [World Wide Web Consortium]
8:42:16 AM    

Rate : 2/5 No bother to read.

8:25:19 AM    

SWF SEO surprise. SWF SEO surprise: Robin Nobles, who teaches 5-day search engine optimization workshops, is surprised to find that "filetype:swf" brings up SWF files in most search engines. "So when I learned that Google can index the contents of Macromedia Flash movies,... [JD on MX]
8:20:34 AM    

MyXaml 1.0. MyXaml 1.0: XML-based GUI design. I'm not sure of its relation to Microsoft's evolving spec, or to other projects such as Xamlon... the FAQ doesn't quite say whether it turns XML to a common deliverable file on the server, or... [JD on MX]
8:18:58 AM    

8:18:10 AM    

Sony to use S3 compression technology for PSP
Posted on Sep 01, 2004 - 04:22 PM by zmcnulty


Yes indeed.
I don't quite know enough about S3, so I won't be contemplating o­n the ramifications of this decision. Hopefully someone can clue me in.

S3 Graphics has announced that they have licensed their "S3TC" texture compression technology to Sony Computer Entertainment (SCEI) for use in the PSP (PlayStation Portable). At the time of this writing, there is no announcement from SCEI.

S3TC is a technology that allows for highly efficient compression while keeping the detail and quality of textures as little as possible; this allows for a more economic use of memory and an overall increase in quality.

The S3TC license is suitable for both PC and game consoles. SCEI's current Corporate Executive and CTO, Masa Chatani, commented by saying, "I am happy to use S3TC o­n the PSP. S3TC, for PSP software developers, will provide the advantages of both a high quality texture compression technology and reliable tool library."

Inspired by:

S3 Graphics:

AMD's Next Rabbit Out of the Hat: Dual Core (NewsFactor). NewsFactor - Advanced Micro Devices is making a push to beat Intel in the development of dual core microprocessors based on x86 chips. On Tuesday, AMD (NYSE: AMD) unveiled a prototype dual-core Opteron processor running in a Hewlett-Packard ProLiant server. [Yahoo! News - Technology]
8:15:39 AM    

Microsoft Wins a High-Definition DVD Battle (Reuters). Reuters - Blu-ray on Wednesday said Microsoft Corp. has won the DVD technology group's backing of a video compression standard for new high-definition discs, marking an advance for the software maker in an emerging consumer electronics arena. [Yahoo! News - Technology]
8:14:54 AM