

by 方興東(清華大學 北京)、劉雙桂(北京大學 北京)

11:38:09 AM    

The spirite of internet is Open and Share.
Take a look at the most successful internet business now.
They encourage Share and Open.
I think Open is on the Machine Level
And Share is amoung the User Level.
eBay , Open the bidding process. and Share the user's purchase experience
Amazon, Share the reader's experience.
MSN,User use it to Share Conversation over the global.
Linux, Open the source code and Share the Resutl

11:04:23 AM    

Super Phone (Forbes.com). Forbes.com - Walk the streets of New York, Seattle or Chicago and it seems like every other person is gabbing on a cell phone. That's not the case in Tokyo, though cell phones are far more prevalent. In Japan people don't talk on their mobiles so much as stare into them, surfing the Internet with a mobile link seven times as fast as dial-up access. [Yahoo! News - Technology]
9:48:32 AM    

Instant Messaging Is Growing Up, Going to Work (washingtonpost.com). washingtonpost.com - If you're an avid instant messenger, you probably know what I mean: "Instant messaging doesn't work for me, does it work for you?" Yet I appear to be on the way to becoming a minority, a fuddy-dud resisting the text-chat party. Instant messaging, or IM, is catching on with adults in a big way as it moves rapidly into the workplace, according to recent surveys. In fact, analysts predict IM soon will overtake e-mail as the No. 1 form of electronic communication. [Yahoo! News - Technology]
9:45:49 AM    

Iomega REV drive comes to Mac [Digit Magazine UK News]
9:43:17 AM    

Copyright Office pitches anti-P2P bill. A proposal surfaces to ban file-swapping networks--a response to the recent court ruling that said they were legal to operate. [CNET News.com]
9:41:46 AM    

 [電腦產業]IBM將開放刀片式伺服器的設計 路透社

IBM自2002年11月推出刀片式伺服器以來市佔率便節節上升。據國際數據公司(IDC)全球伺服器追蹤季報,2002年第四季,IBM就出貨單位數而 言,市佔率為15.57%,戴爾(Dell)市佔率則為19.05%;當時的市場龍頭則是佔有39.88%的惠普(Hewlett-Packard) <HPQ>。

9:01:21 AM    


單身女立委的感情世界,成為狗仔隊跟拍焦點,民進黨立委蕭美琴幾乎是頭號目標。蕭美琴今天下午將發表名為「一個人也可以」的新書,在書中,蕭美琴引用友人 的陳述,以「比宣布台灣獨立還難的一件事」來形容一個剛30出頭的單身從政優秀女性尋找適合男友的困難,同時蕭美琴也開出男友條件,「我的男人要像貓,投 入工作時要很理性,可是又會懂得什麼時候撒嬌。」

年過30而未婚,立委蕭美琴的感情世界自是惹人關注。她說,她曾經交過2個男朋友,其中一人是大陸留學生,當過高幹的翻譯,不過愛都已成往事。蕭美琴強 調,這本書名「一個人也可以」指的是,母校歐柏林學院招生簡章的一句話,「我們相信,一個人可以改變世界。」並非指涉她的感情觀,也非她抱持單身主義。

在此書中,蕭美琴首度公開提到在美求學時的戀情,那時她剛進哥大念研究所,曾和一個來自中國大陸的學生交往,當時她覺得他很聰明,能力很強,雖非高幹子弟 背景,但卻在年紀很輕時當上中共高層的翻譯。不過,蕭美琴說,那時她並未想到這個人背後思維模式的複雜,或者說冷酷理性的那一面,分手時,她甚至沒辦法理 解,為什麼會有人主動來傷害她。

蕭美琴也指出,後來在生活背景相差太多,無法理解中國官場政治環境裡磨出來的人,和台灣人差距太大的情況下,兩人分道揚鑣;這位中國學生正是劉亞東,當總 統府緋聞案發生時,曾有媒體揭露,蕭美琴的前男友曾是鄧小平的翻譯,而當時劉亞東還跨海澄清他只是在中國外交部工作4年,並非鄧的翻譯,而劉亞東也替蕭美 琴叫屈。初回台灣時,她也有一個男友。他們全家人都對她很好,但因為她對政治太過熱中,和男友一家有些格格不入。有一次,她去參加反核遊行,男友勸她:這 種活動很危險,最好少參加!有一天,她聽到男友媽媽不經意說:「搞政治的都不是什麼好東西!」這句話,讓她很不是滋味。
8:56:16 AM    

Hydrogen Fuel Closer to Fruition. Finding a cheap way to produce hydrogen fuel has been something of a Holy Grail to energy researchers for years. Recently, teams across the world announced advances, but observers say some promises are running ahead of results. By Daithi O hAnluain. [Wired News]
8:17:07 AM    

US government agencies aim for software assurance. WASHINGTON - U.S. government agencies need to better understand the vulnerabilties of the software they're buying, said IT workers from several government agencies during a software assurance forum in Washington, D.C., this week. [InfoWorld: Top News]
8:15:01 AM