
 ITC:全球寬頻人口破億 南韓普及率高居第一

(中央社台北八日綜合報導)根據聯合國旗下的國際通訊管理組織─國際電信聯盟(InternationalTelecommunications Union,ITC)報告指出,全球寬頻通信使用人口已在去年底首度突破1億人大關,而南韓的普及率高居第一。



若以國別來看使用者,美國以2715萬人最為突出,其次是日本 (1491萬人)、南韓 (1117萬),而中國大陸也有1051萬人,顯示出亞洲寬頻勢力的不容忽視。

至於在全球的通信業者中,寬頻用戶最多的是南韓的韓國電信 Korea Telecom (565萬人)。至於寬頻用戶較上年底增加3倍、飛快躍升的中國電信,則以563萬的用戶數急起直追,迅速拉近和韓國電信的距離。而在日本系方面,日本雅 虎的Yahoo-BB(360萬人)位居第5、NTT以350萬人排名第7。
4:44:32 PM    

Intel plots path of WiMax. Three years of solid development in wireless broadband lie ahead, Intel says, as it gives a first look at its Rosedale WiMax processor. [CNET News.com]
1:37:29 PM    

Hitachi upgrades storage line. Hitachi Data Systems on Tuesday announced a new enterprise storage lineup with new features such as a virtualization that allows customers to manage up to 32 Petabytes (PB) of internal and external storage. [InfoWorld: Top News]
1:25:58 PM    

OpenOSX releases Office 1.5. OpenOSX on Tuesday introduced Office 1.5 for Mac OS X v10.3. Their new version of GNOME Office -- an open source office productivity software package -- provides enhanced integration with Mac OS X, updated application versions, easier installation and new features and enhancements. GNOME Office is included with some Linux distributions, and requires support libraries not included with Mac OS X. OpenOSX has built the libraries needed to get the software to work with Mac OS X and provides support for its users. [MacCentral]
1:21:29 PM    

EdgeStream To Provide The ‘Next Generation IPTV Technology Platform’ For “Video/TV-On-Demand"

Broadcast Quality IPTV over Public Internet

laguna Nigel, Ca (September 6, 2004) - EdgeStream, Laguna Nigel, California – September 6th, 2004 – EdgeStream, Inc today announced that they have developed the ‘Next Generation IPTV Platform” solutions that enable Broadcast quality of on demand video using the public Internet. With the explosive growth in broadband usage worldwide and an expected audience of over 300 million households by 2006, the public broadband internet presents a huge opportunity for content owners and operators to offer unlimited channels of on demand programs, and disrupt an industry currently dominated by the cable and satellite delivery systems.

“Being able to use the public network really broadens the available market for on-demand TV”, said Rajeev Sehgal, VP Business Development for EdgeStream. “We are not limited to a single metro network delivery because our software enables content to be transported across many networks and router hops while maintaining optimum delivery rate to the viewing device, regardless of the network or server congestion for the entire duration of any selected content”.

With the release of EdgeStream’s IPTV platform, content owners/operators will have an opportunity to deploy a profitable VOD business model. With a standards based full featured video on demand software that reliably delivers and manages broadcast quality video to TV’s and PC’s over the latency prone public Internet, customers can deploy the platform without requiring edge delivery hardware, expensive private peering or other special network planning.

“Until now, Internet delivery of video to TV’s has been both technically and commercially challenging in spite of huge investments in infrastructure made by the telecommunication operators”, said Randy Chung, CTO of EdgeStream. “With EdgeStream’s core ‘Internet Congestion Breakthrough Technology’ (ICBT), supported by its proprietary Route Optimization software (CROS), Real-Time Performance Monitoring Service (RPMS) and a Self-Healing Network Architecture, the EdgeStream software suite provides a highly reliable and economically scalable platform that enables for the very first time, up to 2 megabit/sec and higher encoded video’s to be delivered over the public Internet with a Quality of Service that approaches those provided by the traditional cable/satellite and private networks”.

“We are able to get optimal usage out of each user's connection, so if a user gets 1mbps in the last mile, they will be able to stream a 1mbps encoded video using our platform, even if the content/servers cross multiple networks”, continued Randy Chung. “Since our technology works at the transport level and is independent of the underlying compression or streaming format, advances in the codecs by Microsoft and Real Networks will allow us to deliver near HD quality content at speeds we are currently supporting”, continued Randy Chung.

The EdgeStream software platform runs on standard servers running Microsoft Windows operating system, and provides content owners, content aggregators and ISP’s a profitable high bit rate video on demand/IPTV solution with industry leading performance, at an order of magnitude lower cap-ex and operational costs over other solutions.

Because of global standardization and use of commodity broadband infrastructure, the IP-TV markets are maturing faster than traditional video distribution markets. “EdgeStream is poised to leap frog the industry with the best in class digital media distribution platform. They offer the most compelling alternative for content owners, content aggregators and ISP’s to distribute billable quality video at cost points which makes sense to the providers and audiences alike,” said Nigel Regan, CEO of UK based Bollywood Rights Limited.

About Microsoft Corporation
Founded in 1975, Microsoft (Nasdaq "MSFT") is the worldwide leader in software, services and solutions that help people and businesses realize their full potential. Microsoft and Windows Media are either registered trademarks or trademarks of Microsoft Corp. in the United States and/or other countries.

About EdgeStream
EdgeStream was founded in March 2000 to build a software platform to provide services for optimising delivery of rich media content over the public Internet with supporting technologies. Operators, content owners and content providers can now reliably deliver jitter and interruption free DVD quality video using EdgeStream’s IPTV Software/Architecture, to their broadband enabled audience anywhere across the globe. Based in Laguna Hills, California, the company has implemented multiple proprietary software applications dedicated to ensuring server and network reliability including Internet Congestion Breakthrough Technology (ICBT), Continuous Route Optimisation Software (CROS) and Real Time Performance Monitoring Service (RPMS). Together, these technologies have virtually resolved the "middle mile" latency and reliability issues. Additionally, EdgeStream's advanced network architecture has provided the ability to build an efficient delivery network with low capital investment and maintenance costs.

For more information on Microsoft or EdgeStream, please visit our web sites at: www.microsoft.com or www.edgestream.com


Editorial Contact:
rajeev sehgal
949 380 7308


9:33:25 AM    

Digital Lifestyle Expo comes to New York. The Digital Lifestyle Expo and Symposium -- DLexpo for short -- is coming to New York City on Sunday, Sept. 26, 2004, after a successful West Coast launch in Long Beach, Calif. last month. DLexpo offers practical advice for people interested in digital photography, DVD creation, Web site creation, digital video editing and more. [MacCentral]
8:58:33 AM    

DRM difficulty. DRM difficulty: The Electronic Frontier Foundation blog notes that digital-rights management issues are often difficult to think about, even for the particulars involved in a case. (In this incident, the Microsoft Music Store has apparently switched recommendations on file-transfers with... [JD on MX]
8:51:16 AM    

Microsoft in China. Microsoft in China: Lengthy, but lots of good stuff here... Tom Leander writes an Aug 10 article in CFO magazine on the dynamics between a mature software company and a developing computer culture. They already own the ecosystem as much... [JD on MX]
8:48:57 AM    

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Widget Wars: The battle for your Windows desktop!

DesktopX, Konfabulator, AveDesk, Kapsules, Samurize and more!

By Brad Wardell
Posted Saturday, September 04, 2004 on Skinning the frog
Discussion: Beginners

This Fall the widget wars will move into high gear. The battle for the desktop is about to begin. And with Longhorn's XAML technology lurking in the distance (and Apple's Dashboard), widgets are likely to deliver a whole new era of desktop customization.

Widgets are essentially mini-applications that live on your desktop.  What makes widgets different is that they tend to use less overhead by relying on an existing set of libraries that handle the drawing.  As a result, widget developers don't tend to have to worry  much about drawing their their content. This means that widgets are usually irregularly shaped and very cool looking.

The other thing that makes widgets special is that because there is usually an underlying set of libraries that handle a lot of the drawing which enables non-programmers can make them. 

In the "old days" a software developer would create a program that happened to be skinnable and then skinners could come in and create graphics to skin it.  Now, with widgets, the skinners become the developers. 

Widget makers can often use scripting languages such as VB Script or Java script as their language. Others use a programming language (such as C++) to make "plugins" that serve as the widget.  And a few can even do both.

For the purposes of this discussion I'm going to focus on 5 programs. And bear in mind, I work for Stardock which makes one of these (DesktopX) so while I'm trying to be fair to all, I'm more familiar with DesktopX.  It is my hope that users will gain interest in this new evolution of desktop customization (i.e. widgets, no matter whose widgets, are good). It also means I'm going not going to talk about any perceived downsides. I'm going to focus purely on what makes them good.

The 5 programs I'll focus on are DesktopX, AveDesk, Samurize, Konfabulator, and Kapsules.

What's nice about widgets is that they can be used interchangeably. It's not like GUI skinning where you can only be running one at a time. A Samurize widget can be used with an Avedesk widget for instance without any problems. It's not an all or nothing scenario scenario.


DesktopX is the oldest of the group (released around 5 years old) which is both an advantage and disadvantage.  It's an advantage because it has built up the largest user base over the years.  It's a disadvantage because for most of its existence, it targeted Windows 95, 98, and later ME which aren't really suited for having desktop enhancements.  The compromises made in DesktopX 1.x made it unappealing to some people.

DesktopX 2 changed that.  DesktopX 2, which was redesigned for Windows XP, is relatively new and has a lot of cutting edge features.  DesktopX exports its widgets as actual EXEs which makes them the ultimate in ease of use for end users. And widgets can still be imported into a DesktopX environment for modification and tweaking.

DesktopX allows for widgets to be made using VB Script or Javascript. It also supports "plugins" that can be made with most programming languages. The default install includes a dozen or so existing plugins to handle most of the more common types of things people would want to do. And if they haven't thought of a plugin for it, the scripting language is integrated into the GUI allowing users to create their own functionality quite easily.

Some DesktopX widgets.


Some of DesktopX's advantages include:

  • Integrated COM/ActiveX support. Your ActiveX controls (browsers, Office apps, Quicktime, Media Player) are treated like any other object.
  • Unique animation engine. Just put a strip of images together, tell DesktopX how many frames there are and the speed and you have a fluid animation.
  • It can be configured from a GUI.
  • It includes a plugin model and a lot of plugins
  • It can export its content as EXEs.
  • It can be used to build desktops (so it competes both as a widget making program as well as a shell enhancer ala Hoverdesk or Talisman).
  • Huge library of objects/widgets to draw on.
  • Very easy to install/use widgets (just double click on them and they will run and add themselves to your widget/object library).


Konfabulator owns the widget world on the Mac.  It has been out for about a year and a half.  Konfabulator is a Java-runtime engine that enables users to create and run their own Javascript based applets where Konfaublator takes care of all the visual drawing portions. It is the quintessential "widget" enabling program.

Konfabulator widgets are folders that contain a .kon file which is a file that uses XML to encapsulate Javascript and object definitions. The folder would also contain a series of .PNG files that are used for the graphics.

Konfabulator's future on the Mac has been made a bit murky because of Apple's decision to include Dashboard, a similar technology due for release as part of MacOS Tiger. Dashboard, while not quite the same, delivers much the same end result. Most of us who follow this market are convinced Apple saw the popularity of Konfabulator and decided to copy it as a concept.  Apple's defenders have tried to retroactively give credit for widgets to Apple in the form of desktop accessories from 1984. A claim I consider absurd. But no matter what, the net result is that things might get tight for Konfabulator on the Mac. But how it might do on Windows remains unclear with so much entrenched competition.

Konfabulator widget examples:

Konfabulator Advantages:

  • Very straight forward in what it does: It makes widgets. No other focuses.

  • Can sit down and work on a single file (the .kon file) to create the widget.

  • Very high quality widgets included

  • Quality over quantity

  • On the Mac, it's really the only game in town until Tiger.

  • Very good marketing - it gets more press attention than the others combined.

  • Widgets (mac version) easy to use/run, just double click on them and they run.


Samurize is a VBScript run-time engine that includes powerful development tools for creating widgets. It also includes a great deal of functionality that can be easily plugged in.  So if Samurize's developers have already thought of a widget feature (such as CPU meters) it becomes very very easy to make that kind of widget. And if they haven't added it, then it's just a matter of writing the VBScript or other code to get the functionality.

This means that Samurize is much easier than most of the other widget making programs to create some of the common widgets. It is really the leading app for creating system monitoring based widgets because it is so good as making such widgets easy for skinners.

Samurize Widget examples:

Advantages of Samurize:

  • The best widget development environment. The result is that it makes it much easier for skinners to create a series of widgets that go together. Note to developers - promote your editor more. This is your ace in the hole.

  • Fairly large library of widgets.

  • Lots of easy, built in system/network monitoring features.

  • No nonsense focus. It's not trying to deliver pretty but useless junk, it is for people who want to put useful monitoring things on their desktop with a minimum of fuss.


AveDesk is best described as docklets on the desktop. In fact, AveDesk doesn't call its widgets widgets but instead "Desklets" which I think is a better name than widgets.   So I should probably explain what the heck a docklet is.

A docklet is typically a plugin for a dock program such as ObjectDock or Y'z dock.  Imagine in a dock sitting at the bottom edge of your desktop with a CPU meter or weather monitor or clock.

AveDesk's author, Andreas, is one of the leading docklet developers out there.  So taking these docklets and making them free-floating on the desktop is a fairly natural move. And best of all, it's compatible with ObjectDock docklets so all those ObjectDock docklets on WinCustomize.com can be used as widgets on your desktop as well. And so ObjectDock's popularity actually feeds into AveDesk's popularity (which is ironic since ObjectDock is made by Stardock who makes DesktopX and DesktopX can't use ObjectDock docklets as widgets at this time).

A lot of AveDesk's content is "borrowed" from Konfabulator graphic-wise (another reason why Konfabulator may have some trouble if there's a Windows version - it's going to be competing with its own content) (dwl: I am going by the screenshots I found on-line of how people are using it when compared to the screenshots of how people are using the others).

AveDesk widget (desklet) examples:

Advantages of AveDesk

  • ObjectDock docklets can be used as desktop widgets

  • Each desklet is essentially a skinnable application in itself (so third parties can actually make skins for existing widgets as opposed to creating a whole new widget).

  • While few widgets, widgets tend to be quite nice looking

  • Cool widget labeling features


Kapsules is the new kid on the block and it makes no bones about being similar to Konfabulator. It is, essentially, Konfabulator for Windows already in terms of functionality.

Kapsules widgets are stored in folders with a .kap file and a config file. Along with a sub-directory with the .PNG files. In my opinion, it is set up better than Konfabulator in this regard because unlike Konfabulator where XML encapsulates the whole thing, with Kapsules, the config file is the XML portion that defines the various objects andthe .KAP file is the Javascript, VB Script or whatever scripting language you choose to use.

Kapsules does require users to download and install the .NET framework which does limit some users from using it. But the .NET libraries allow Kapsules to have more functionality out of the box (since it's being coded by one person, this demonstrates the power of .NET).

Kapsules Widgets:

Advantages of Kapsules:

  • Strong focus: It makes widgets, that's it.

  • Very clean underlying design

  • Relatively simple to add widgets (drag the folders with the .widget extension into the widgets folder)

  • Unusually good documentation

So there you have it. These are the programs that have become popular for making widgets on the desktop. They can be used interchangeably. Each has its own strengths and weaknesses.  All of them have reasonably low hardware requirements. Widgets almost always use less memory than a stand alone program would. And each has their own loyal following who will tell you that their choice is the greatest thing since sliced bread.

Have fun!

No, it's not typos all over the page, if the page seems full of errors, it's the #&%$ server code. That's what I get for making an article during labor day with the IT guys gone. But you can go here for a printer friendly version of the article that hopefully is cleaned up.

Yes, I know the term widgets is generic. In the customization community the term "widget" does have specific meaning just like the term "skin" has specific meaning. I realize it's been used for countless things including GUI elements in Unix. In the article I outlined my own personal preference to the term desklet over widget. But I don't get to name these things (I certainly would never have come up with the term "Skin" to represent a replacing user interface package.

I also am familiar with what XAML is for. XAML can do a lot of things but I do think you'll see it used to create relaively small items and I would be surprised if these programs don't embrace XAML when it comes out.

And yes, I realize that my article is "all positive". That's because I work at Stardock and it's not my place to criticize programs that nominally compete with DesktopX.  In our view, widgets succeeding is good for everyone. Look at how much better DesktopX has gotten in the past year and a half because of the pressure put on by Konfabulator. The winners of such competition are consumers.

8:48:17 AM    

8:38:51 AM