
Speech Synthesis Markup Language Is a W3C Recommendation. 2004-09-08: The World Wide Web Consortium today released the Speech Synthesis Markup Language (SSML) Version 1.0 as a W3C Recommendation. With the XML-based SSML language, content authors can generate synthetic speech on the Web, controlling pronunciation, volume, pitch and rate. "SSML builds on the work of the pioneers in speech synthesis to provide application developers with a powerful and flexible means to deliver a high quality mix of synthetic and pre-recorded speech as part of interactive voice response services," said Dave Raggett (W3C/Canon). Read the press release, testimonials and implementation report and visit the Voice Browser home page. (News archive) [World Wide Web Consortium]
9:32:45 AM    

Video format flow. Video format flow: At O'Reilly, James Elliott notes difficulties in repurposing CD-ROM video to the web, with his particular sticking-point being the editability of certain deliverable video formats. The bigger problem may be that he is attempting to recompress from... [JD on MX]
9:32:02 AM    

Wiki visualization. Wiki visualization: In 2003 IBM researchers documented a Java visualization of Wiki authoring. This page has screenshots, and it's amazing to see the patterns in authorship. See "How It Works" page for technical details, or Gallery for more screenshots of... [JD on MX]
9:30:02 AM    

Biometric keyboards. Biometric keyboards: Microsoft announces near-term arrival of keyboards and other devices with fingerprint sensors. I hadn't realized these were so close... press release estimates September availability. No word on whether these new models offer GummiBear detection. [via Microsoft-Watch]... [JD on MX]
8:53:06 AM