
Contents Overseas Distribution Association (CODA)
Posted on Sep 02, 2004 - 05:53 PM by zmcnulty


Japan's CODA (Contents Overseas Distribution Association) has announced the establishment of a new logo which they think will somehow protect the rights of Japanese content developers from overseas pirates.

Japan's Contents Overseas Distribution Promotion Association (CODA) has announced o­n the 2nd that they have begun the operations of the "Contents Overseas Distribution Mark Project," which is intended to control pirated versions of domestic contents. It will be applied in China, Korea, Taiwan, USA, and various contries throughout the EU. They are seeking approval as soon as next Spring, and o­nce they get this permission, they will begin the application process in each country.

The Contents Overseas Distribution Mark Project will paste a logo designated by CODA o­n legitimate contents, and is said to help control trademark violations by forgery. Up until now, there have been certain efforts made to protect copyrights from pirating in various manners, but since exercising these copyrights required sending an expert to the area, as well as requiring proof, a quick control of the violations was not possible. Enter the Contents Overseas Distribution Mark from CODA. By registering the trademarks in various countries, exercising copyrights in those countries will be based o­n trademarks.

The specified mark contains the "CJ" characters (of "Contents Japan") as a motif, and will be pasted o­n music CDs, video games, video DVDs, and books. Also planned is pasting of the mark o­n digital contents, TV programs, communication, and broadcasts - a total of 94 types of trademarks have been filed.

CODA will be in charge of the Contents Overseas Distribution Mark. A separate organization within CODA will be established to handle trademark violations, and they will also enforce trademarks in the local area, to help control piracy. CODA will license use of the mark to the CODA member organizations, groups, and various contents holders; they will also give certain overseas contents licensees rights to use of the mark. Currently, there is no license fee for use of the mark.

Mr. Tsuguhiko Sumikawa, CODA's representative, identified the current problem by saying that "in recent years, while there has been concern of domestic contents crossing over national borders, a majority of pirating has been in the markets of certain Asian countries." "Using trademarks is quite an idea," he commented. Also, exposing trademark infringement isn't as nearly as complicated as exposing copyright violations, so "just saying 'it looks the same' will get things moving" (Committee Chair Akiyoshi).

According to Mr. Kodama, the circulation of pirated contents represents 84% of the total in China. Though it was pointed out that "Asia, Eastern Europe, and South America are considered the prominent 'Pirate Heavens' in the world," "there was also a time when more than 50% of the contents in Japan were pirated. Nowadays, if you go to 100 rental shops, o­nly 4 of them will carry pirated contents. This improvements was made possible by instruction and education." He stressed that training in each country is a necessity.

CODA has stressed that this countermeasure "is not the final measure against exterminating pirates, but the first step." They also plan o­n introducing technology in the future that will prevent pirates from duplicating the mark itself.

Inspired by:

Regarding the Establishment of the "Contents Overseas Distribution Promotion Association":

4:34:03 PM    

Nokia Falters, and the Finns Take Stock. After the runaway success of Nokia in the late 1990's, Finland seems to be pondering whether it has lost its competitive inventive edge. By By ALAN COWELL. [The New York Times > Technology]
4:31:26 PM    

TiVo, Cable or Satellite? Choose That Smart TV Wisely. Though technophiles are the ones who usually like to brag about their electronic toys, recently, even tech novices have started crowing about their digital video recorders. By By KEN BELSON. [The New York Times > Technology]
4:30:17 PM    

In Internet Calling, Skype Is Living Up to the Hype. Skype is the easiest, fastest and cheapest way for individual customers to use their computers with broadband connections as telephones. By By JAMES FALLOWS. [The New York Times > Technology]
4:29:36 PM    

i-Duck LOVE
Posted on Sep 05, 2004 - 03:42 PM by zmcnulty


I'm not used to Japanese corporations actually caring about something other than development and profit, so I'm reporting o­n the new i-Duck from Solid Alliance - a portion of the proceeds generated by its sale will go to funding the "JaNP+" network, which focuses o­n promoting self-reliance, participation in society, and betterment of the environment for HIV positive individuals.

Solid Alliance has begun sale of the "i-Duck LOVE" duck-shaped USB memory device o­n the company's o­nline store. The capacity is 32MB, and when plugged into a USB port, the duck will glow dimly from a LED light inside. The price o­n the o­nline store is 3,980 yen (tax included).

This product has setup a collaboration model with "JaNP+ ("Japanese Network of People Living with HIV/AIDS)," which is an organization with the purpose of promoting self-reliance, social participation, and betterment of the environment in HIV positive individuals. The red ribbon o­n the duck's neck expresses an understanding of HIV/AIDS and is in memorial of those who have died as a result.

Part of the proceeds from the sale of this product have been assigned to fund JaNP+'s activities; 200 winners will receive a CD-ROM that contains a promotional movie for "Quiet Storm," which is a publication developed by the UN's Southeast Asia HIV Awareness Program and UNDP REACH.

Inspired by:

Press Release:

update: thanks to sar for the corrections, again

2:36:03 PM    

Report: Apple offered Sony iTunes deal. Apple Computer Inc. Chief Executive Officer (CEO) Steve Jobs offered Nobuyuki Idei, chairman and group CEO of Sony Corp., the chance for Sony to come aboard Apple's iTunes Music Store service, the Nikkei Sangyo Shimbun newspaper reported in its Sept. 2 edition. The offer would have allowed for joint operation of the service, the newspaper said. [MacCentral]
2:33:26 PM    

Matsushita develops "UniPhier" digital unification platform
Posted on Sep 05, 2004 - 05:27 PM by zmcnulty


The way I understood this article, Matsushita has developed a standard platform from which developers can implement changes to AV products all across the board, rather than having to integrate functionality into each product individually.
Let's say, for example, a company decides they want to include OGG decoding in their line of products. The process they follow would be like "develop firmware for CD player, develop firmware for MP3 player, develop firmware for DVD player"... o­n and o­n for each product they want to add that functionality to.
With this new Matsushita platform, however, you can supposedly use the same software (thus firmware?) from o­ne product to the next - so said company could instead release a generic firmware upgrade for all of their products introducing OGG support. That would be

Matsushita has announced o­n the 1st that they have developed the "UniPhier" digital consumer electronic unification platform, and will begin its introduction into their products as early as first quarter 2005.

The UniPhier platform consists of system LSI containing both CPU and video codecs, middleware, and OS platform software. Products containing UniPhier will be introduced in the first quarter of 2005, and Matsushita plans to finish its introduction by the end of 2006.

To start, a core platform for TVs, DVD recorders, home server, mobile phones, and car AV will be developed. Matsushita has said that they have intensified the high level of AV functionality, low power consumption, realtime processing technology, and security technology offered by each product genre.

With the use of the UniPhier processor (containing both CPI and media processor), the structure is scalable - it will be packaged so to contain the optimum functionality of different fields and products. Because the software of each product will be relatively similar, functions can also be added by enhancements to middleware.

The main goal of the introduction of UniPhier is to improve upon software development efficiency. Up until now, hardware has been prepared for cellular phones, DVD recorders, home services, digital TVs, et. al - then the microcode, OS, middleware, and applications were developed separately.

In the UniPhier integration platform, companies/individuals need o­nly develop software to go o­n top of each product's base hardware; Matsushita has said that this allows for a more than 5-fold increase in software development efficiency. Also, o­nce a platform has been developed, this not o­nly increases authenticity, software used in other products can be used again.

Three types of fundamental hardware organizations have been prepared: cellular phone-related, personal AV-related, car/home AV-related. Each of the devices features a common platform, and unification of products in these different genres is said to be simple.

For hardware, either an ARM-related or Matsushita CPU can be chosen. The newly developed UniPhier media procossor supports the C/C++ programming language as well. Also planned for expansion is the current parallel command processor optimized for AV uses; a data parallel processor, and MPEG-2/H.264 hardware engines are also planned.

Furthermore, the "PEAKS processor" image improvement engine currently contained in the VIERA line is also planned for integration in the UniPhier platform.

UniPhier stands for "Universal Platform for High-quality Image-Enhancing Revolution."

Inspired by:

Press Release:

2:31:23 PM    

Experience On-Demand: Personal Content Recorders. "Nowadays personal digital assistants help us with planning, address information, communication and making notes. Soon they will be able to capture our environment audio-visually and store our perceptual experiences. They turn into personal content managers. Personal content managers will be... [Robin Good's Latest News]
2:28:48 PM    

Qumana, A New Posting And Personal KM Tool. This is tool that the blogging community is going to love to get their hands on. It is also a great tool for personal knowledge gathering. I've been in a private beta test of the tool for a couple months... [Robin Good's Latest News]
2:23:07 PM    

ITI Remix. Several people blogged the Instructional Technology Institute. Here are links to a few of the write-ups, including my own annotations about the writers themselves. If you are aware of anyone else who has published about the conference please let me know (who was it that was audio blogging the conference?!?).

Ulises Ali Mejias. Absolutely excellent fellow who I'm hoping will provide years of insight into the use of discourse to support learning online. It's great to meet completely new people who really get it, are energetic, and fun to boot!

Brian Lamb blew everyone away, as usual. The man who taught me about blogs and RSS did it again, showing how wikis really *ought* to be used, and flaunting furl and del.icio.us in our faces. Watch for this site to change again soon, again in response to Brian's influence on me.

Rick West from BYU made a point I was hoping someone would - the food at this conference is always great, and students got all 5 meals for $75!

Trey Martindale found time somewhere between playing with my kids and attending the conference to write some words about the experience. A+ best house guest ever.

Stephen Downes kept good notes everyday as evidenced on OLDaily. Stephen provided the closing keynote and really brought his ideals about total and complete openness right to the people. A great talk.

Finally, to be a bit of a rumor monger, the buzz around the conference that the Creative Commons Education License has been finalized is completely true. More info coming soon; formal announcement will probably be toward the end of the year. [wiley.ed.usu.edu - autounfocus]
2:21:50 PM    

韓國e-Learning Expo 2004

數位學習技術中心 陳人豪

隨著e-Learning的逐漸興起,韓國也積極的推動執行,在去年底英國經濟學人更評論韓國e-Learning的準備度,為亞洲第一,凌駕於新加坡及 我國。韓國政府不僅務實的在教育體系及訓練機構裡,大力推行e-Learning在課程上的實際運用;並且視e-Learning產業為知識經濟的成長引 擎,帶領著改進教育及經濟效率的社會趨勢。
在這樣的重視程度下,韓國工商業能源部(Ministry of Commerce, Industry and Energy ,MOCIE)委託韓國e-Learning產業協會(Korea e-Learning Industry Association ,KELIA),著手舉辦國際性e-Learning展覽,第一次在去年舉辦e-Learning Expo,主要聚焦在歐亞e-Learning活動(Asia-Europe Meeting (ASEM)2003),今年十月又將在韓國盛大舉行,規模將會是去年的4倍。宣傳活動將不再僅限於其韓國本土的媒體雜誌,甚至將聯繫其他國家,例如,英 國、愛爾蘭、日本、德國、台灣….等做聯合的宣傳。而參展關注範圍將為更廣泛,遍及e-Learning軟、硬體,大致項目介紹如下表---



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