Keeping an eye on cannabis decriminalization news, particularly in Chicago

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Wednesday, October 20, 2004

Actress says Korea's Constitution should cover marijuana

Kim Bu-seon, a Korean actress, has been busted for marijuana five times, and she's had about enough.

 The actress went further Tuesday, submitting a petition to the same court to ask for a judgment on whether the law on narcotics, which regards marijuana as an illegal substance, is constitutionally acceptable.

"Banning marijuana infringes on the right to pursue happiness, which is guaranteed by the Constitution," Kim said in a meeting with reporters after filing the petition. She pledged if the court rejected it, she would take the case to the Constitutional Court.

If the drug war works there the way it works in the U.S., all we can say is good luck.

10:13:07 PM | permalink | comment []

Third graders looking at felony charges for $20 worth of pot

A Florida TV station reports that a trio of third graders will be suspended from their elementary school before facing possible felony charges for bringing two "nickle bags" of marijuana to class.

Felony charges? I certainly don't approve of third graders possessing intoxicants, but what's the point? The hardcore prohibitionists will say a message should be sent, but the incident itself is the message: Marijuana prohibition isn't keeping marijuana away from kids.

10:02:28 PM | permalink | comment []

Another picture

Just ran across this picture while looking for something else. In some ways, this one looks like the set-up for a sad joke (How many police manhours does it take to find a rock of crack in an open-air drug market?), but it really does illustrate the waste and futility of the drug war. Surely all those guys have something better to do.

10:09:38 AM | permalink | comment []

Two pictures worth more than 2,000 words

This blog is supposed to be focused on marijuana decriminalization in Chicago, but since there hasn't been much news on the issue out of Chicago lately, we've been looking at decrim-related news from elsewhere. Drug WarRant reminds us there are still drug issues to be discussed in Chicago, and he has two perfect illustrations of how the drug war functions in the city and elsewhere.

UPDATE: The Chicago Tribune and the Sun-Times publish more than 1,000 words combined on this story today, but they still don't offer the insights of either Drug WarRant picture.

7:47:14 AM | permalink | comment []

Alaska marijuana advocates sue Lt. Governor

As reported here earlier, the Lt. Governor's office in Alaska wrote the arguments against a ballot issue that would essentially legalize marijuana in the state, even though the Lt. Governor's office is not supposed to take a position on any initiatives.

Now initiative proponents plan to fight back, in court.

"It's outrageous that Leman and his staff have ghost-written the opposition statement," said Tim Hinterberger of Yes on 2 in a written statement.

"It's clear to us that he has crossed the line of neutrality and, if he has not directly violated his oath of office, he most certainly has violated the spirit of his elected office. The only significant duty of the Lt. Governor is to run impartial elections, and he can't even do that."

We know the Governor is hardly impartial either. I don't know Alaska politics, but I have a feeling this isn't making a good impression on the voters.

7:38:48 AM | permalink | comment []

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