Keeping an eye on cannabis decriminalization news, particularly in Chicago

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Wednesday, October 27, 2004

Chicago TV station totally blows the story

D'Alliance noticed this before I did, so I appreciate the post and links, even though I was disgusted as I read Chicago's NBC affiliate report on medical marijuana/super-potent pot. 

Indicative of the quality of the report, Chicago's marijuana decriminalization plan wasn't mentioned at all. D'Alliance rightly comments that the report "veers off course." I blame reporter Nesita Kwan, who appears to be at the helm, and the way she chose to report her story. Here's what I sent to her:

Dear Ms. Kwan,

Your story on medical marijauna/super-potent pot was irresponsible. The report mixed two issues that shouldn't have been mixed. If someone wants to talk about their terrible problem with pot, that's fine, but they should have the guts to put their face on camera. If you couldn't find anyone to own up to their assertions, as Julie Falco bravely did, you shouldn't have had anyone on camera at all.

The fact that people like Julie aren't protected by the law has absolutely nothing to do with the fact that some cowardly 23-year-old bonehead lacks the self-control needed to reign in his behavior. Criminalizing Julie didn't help him, and passing a law that will stop her from being a criminal won't hurt him. The two issues are completely disconnected, and you added unnecessary controversy to Julie's position by mixing them.

Do some people abuse drugs that other people use for legitimate medical reasons? From Ambien to Zoloft, of course they do. Do we punish the legitimate users of prescription drugs? Then why are we considering the illegal user's position in relation to Julie Falco's legitimate need?

I can't believe you had a health report without any doctors talking about the treatment under discussion. You legitimized the prohibitionists' position with testimony from credentialed government officials. You should have legitimized Julie's position with a credentialed doctor. Matt Atwood is an excellent advocate, but he was just one proponent, while the other side got two (Sanders and Barthwell), both who occupied positions of authority.

If you want to talk about the purported evils of recreational marijuana use, NBC-5 could have reported on the Mayor's decriminalization plan (which I'm astonished to see unmentioned in your report) and debate just how harshly everyday users should be treated, and how little the laws matter to people like your unnamed marijuana "victim." Instead you let an anonymous source and two people whose careers depend on the status quo in marijuana enforcement to rip apart the contentions of a very brave but sick woman.

Do you think that was fair?

UPDATE: Nesita Kwan politely responded to my message Wednesday afternoon. She defended her story. Will see if she wants to post further response here.

1:31:32 PM | permalink | comment []

Best anti-medical marijuana quote of the day

From an article in the Missoulian newspaper in Montana, where a medical marijuana initiative is being debated (via Cannabisnews

"Initiative 148 does not limit a parent from using a doctor's recommendation to hook up a marijuana bong to the oxygen tent of a sick infant!"

That's according to Scott Brodie, a sergeant in the Missoula Police Department's Drug Unit, who I can imagine hyperventilating as he wrote about his fears.

Brodie makes a bunch of ridiculous claims against medical marijuana. Read them and see they don't sound all that much different from the scare tactics against legalized marijuana in Alaska, as well as marijuana decriminalization elsewhere. Crazy as it is, the "bongs for sick babies" argument is the most creative idea any of them have had for weeks.

12:06:41 PM | permalink | comment []

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