Updated: 11/19/05; 12:30:41 PM

 Wednesday, May 4, 2005
Chris Pirillo buys an iMac + Interesting new Podcast
A picture named Chris Pirillo (1).jpg

I've followed the life of Chris Pirillo for many years now and he's done a lot of interesting things but one thing that's always bugged me is that he came across as an intelligent, youthful geek who dearly loves technology but he was always seemed extremely arrogant about Windows being the only viable game in town.

Being as exposed to technology as he is, he (like the rest of us) had to be dealing with the same old crap in the Windows world. Well - this week, I've changed my opinion about Chris. He's just purchased a new 20" iMac (but unfortunately didn't do his due dilligence and discover that the G5 iMac was quite long in the tooth and just days after his purchase, Apple introduced new iMacs yesterday. Sorry Chris - welcome to the game.

In addition, he's got a really great Podcast with Robert McLaws (Part 1) & (Part 2)

5:58:23 AM