Updated: 1/20/2005; 1:37:21 PM.
The Voice of Global Critics.org
Sharing the global concept of linking minds, thoughts, ideas, positions, gripes, memorials, kudos, warnings and what ever else may present itself. This blog will reflect information entered in some of the forums at www.globalcritics.org/forums/index.php Enjoy and above all participate

Wednesday, December 08, 2004

Unknown. "He's the kind of a guy who lights up a room just by flicking a switch." [Quotes of the Day]
10:28:05 PM    comment []

Thomas Szasz. "When a person can no longer laugh at himself, it is time for others to laugh at him." [Quotes of the Day]
10:27:17 PM    comment []

Morons in the News: Delaware School Censors Student. A student at Everett Meredith Middle School in Middletown, Delaware has been chastised for wearing a shirt critical of the president... Politically-aware eighth grade student Stephen Truszkowski is fond of his brother's anti-Bush shirt. On the front it says, "The Real Terrorist Is in the White House" and on the back, "End the Tyranny." Unfortunately his school principal, Claude... [morons.org headlines]
10:25:10 PM    comment []

FTC punishes porn dialler firm. $17m in disputed bills [The Register]
11:17:48 AM    comment []

Yes I said morons!!!! Think about it!!!we let bankers convince us we need to purchase things we don't have money for on credit, and then agree to pay them 21% interest for the privliege of doing so!  If you have $8000.00 in credit card debt and make the minium payment every month, it will take you 47 years to pay off your balance,(figures approximate) Assuming of course you add no new purchases to the cards present balance. So! you say you're going xmas shopping???

Ask yourself this question ! Am I a Moron?

We elect Liars cheats and theives on all levels of government and then pay them to play their closwed room games with our money, And whats worse when we find out how crooked they are , WE RE-ELECT THEM!

Ask yourself this question! Am I a Moron?

Do you find youself listening/watching the network news and political pundits, shaking your head in agreement?

Ask yourself this question! Am I a Moron?

George Carlin was right more often than not!

While his humor can sometimes be considered abrasive , his accuracy on the state of life on this planet is uncanny ;-)

Hmmmm what is the one thing that most everyone uses every day?

And could that be a solution to tax reform in this country???


Thought for the day (when I have them)

"Outside of a dog, a book is mans best friend............

cause inside of a dog it's too dark to read"

Comment here or join us

2:14:09 AM    comment []

Member speaks his mind on bait
1:38:07 AM    comment []

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