Updated: 1/20/2005; 1:37:22 PM.
The Voice of Global Critics.org
Sharing the global concept of linking minds, thoughts, ideas, positions, gripes, memorials, kudos, warnings and what ever else may present itself. This blog will reflect information entered in some of the forums at www.globalcritics.org/forums/index.php Enjoy and above all participate

Saturday, December 11, 2004

Rita Rudner. "In Hollywood a marriage is a success if it outlasts milk." [Quotes of the Day]
11:36:20 AM    comment []

Ron Nesen. "Nobody believes the official spokesman... but everybody trusts an unidentified source." [Quotes of the Day]
11:36:01 AM    comment []

Gay advocates will not bargain away postion!

Dozens Tell Lawmakers They're Against Any Plan to Pull Back From Fight for Equality

By Evelyn Nieves

Washington Post Staff Writer
Friday, December 10, 2004; Page A02

Dozens of prominent advocates for gay rights sent a letter to every member of Congress yesterday stating that they would reject any plan to bargain for equal rights, and specifically decried a report that the Human Rights Campaign, the nation's largest gay political organization, was planning to "moderate" its positions and would possibly support President Bush's plan to create private Social Security accounts.

The letter, titled "Where We Stand," was released by the National Gay and Lesbian Task Force (NGLTF) in response to an article in yesterday's New York Times. The article quoted officials from the Human Rights Campaign (HRC) as saying that, in light of defeats for gay rights in the Nov. 2 election (including the bans on same-sex marriage passed in 11 states), the organization decided to place less emphasis on same-sex marriage and more on "strengthening personal relationships." One HRC official was paraphrased as saying that the group would consider supporting Bush's efforts to partially privatize Social Security in exchange for the right of gay partners to receive benefits under the federal retirement program....read on

[Crooks and Liars]
1:06:43 AM    comment []

Newsbrief: New Gay Frat; Robertson Opens Mouth; It's Progress. New gay frat in Iowa; Robertson declares Kwanzaa a fraud; Fairness ordinance passes; Civil Unions in New Zealand... Iowa State University has its first gay fraternity. Eleven students stared the new chapter of Delta Lambda Phi. For your amusement, the article says "Telephone calls Thursday to other traditionally anti-gay groups, including Campus Crusade for... [morons.org headlines]
1:06:10 AM    comment []

Well! it looks as though I get to kick this forum off! Ok Lots of opinions and thoughts floating through my mind.(hole in head, thoughts enter and leave at will)
  • In answer to the base question: All humans, have the same inherent rights, no matter the age, sex, race, creed, sexual orientation, physical ability, or mentalability! This of course would not apply to individuals who have been deprived of certain rights due to imprisonment for the conviction of crimes against soceity.
  • We are for the most part, a nation of people that are intolerant of anyone or anything that does not conform to what we as an individual think is right for us or all of soceity as a whole. Therefore we should be known the world over as a nation filled with prejudices of all types affecting all peoples in all walks of life.Who is it that we think we are, that as an individual or group we can trample on, remove, or otherwise cause the rights of another human being to be altered in any fashion just because they differ from us?In the history of our country We as a people under the guise of "our government" or as individuals have literally raped the slaves, native americans, chinese and lord knows a host of other cultures, trying to force each into the mould we preferr to think of as the "ideal american" It's our desire to have everyone be "perfect". Except ourselves of course, we're trying to hard to clean up everyone elses act that we don't have time to work on our own!So! That being said, why should Gay folks and or any other group be deprived of ANY rights/benefits that are afforded to any other group of human beings in this nation ?

  • Ok Lets take Gays for example ! Who do they hurt ? why do some folks hate them so much ? You don't have to like them, thats your right. But that doesn't mean you have the right to trample on their rights as human beings,. oOr to legislate against their right to life , liberty and the pursuit of happiness. They work in all of the worlds sectors! Doctors, lawyers, judges, politicans, religious, police, fire departments, sports, media (print,tv or radio) hollywood there is not one sector in the entire world that is devoid of human beings that are attracted to the same gender! So for the lover of all things sane GET OVER IT!!!

  • The solution??? Very simple I think ! If you don't want various groups to have the same rights that all other citizen enjoy, then grant each group a totally tax exempt status! Federal, state, county and of course local city. This tax exempt status would apply to all taxes imposed on soceity as a whole including, but not limited to sales tax. Very simple solution....however if it were actually granted the gay population would probably increase by 70% of the population of the United States. So in order to prevent fraud to obtain the tax benefits Married heterosexuals would have too divorce and then marry a same gender partner, and those that were single would have to submit a document of public record stating that their preferences we same gender and provide some other proof of living the life style. Wouldn't that be a kick LOL He he he !
  • Ok OK we all know that none of that will really happen! But it should! Make all these folks that bash and ridicule gays sit up and think, which they obviously don't do now! So think about it! Gay Marriage??? What can it hurt??? Heterosexual marriages as a whole aren't that successful. Let them marry! They work hard, pay their taxes, serve their country as well as their communities. They deserve everything the rest of us have access too. Government/state/county/city/corporate/and general life decisions should not be based on money when it comes to the laws governing people or their rights.So! Thats my 2 cents worth ! And for the record... NO I am not Gay ! Yes I do have some Gay friends, and actually find them more trustworthy than my straight accquaintences. I was brought up in a very strict catholic home and learned early on that my home, church,and soceity as a whole supported the oppression of anything or anyone that it did not consider normal! In closing consider this ..... If it had been Adam and Steve instead of Adam and Eve Adolph Hitler might never have been born and 6 million jews would have lived.

12:58:01 AM    comment []

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