Updated: 1/20/2005; 1:37:24 PM.
The Voice of Global Critics.org
Sharing the global concept of linking minds, thoughts, ideas, positions, gripes, memorials, kudos, warnings and what ever else may present itself. This blog will reflect information entered in some of the forums at www.globalcritics.org/forums/index.php Enjoy and above all participate

Friday, December 17, 2004

A picture named Young Berk.jpg A picture named Dobson.jpg

Will the Religious right defend the Son of Sam?

Jail throws book at Berkowitz

Son of Sam serial killer David Berkowitz is in trouble for breaking a prison rule: He gave a Bible to another inmate. He admitted giving a Gideon's Bible to a convict, but called the charge against him - an "unauthorized exchange" - pointless. Berkowitz was fined $5.

According to his Internet postings, he's a born-again Christian and jailhouse preacher.

On Dec 8th, 9th,and10th,  Focus on the Family did a three part radio show called David Berkowitz: Son of Hope .

Part 1-Convicted of six murders, feared and hated, David soon discovered that God still had a plan for his life

Part II-discusses how poor choices led to the horrific murders he committed, and how he eventually became a Christian

Part III-He was lonely. He was angry. He was lost. And it all culminated during one hot summer in 1977.

Obviously it's fine to James Dobson and the Focus on the Family group to be a serial killer, mass murderer, as long as Christ has entered your life, but make an honest statement regarding Supreme court nominations like Arlene Specter did and you are the devil!

[Crooks and Liars]
5:29:54 PM    comment []

Fresh Zell      Roger Ailes

Senator Zell Miller is the latest wingnut to join the Insane Clown Posse that is the Fox News Channel. The demented former Democrat, last seen squirreling away at the Republican National Convention, has finally received his reward for his services to the Bush family.

"We will plug him in wherever we can use him," says a Fox News spokesman. Has Zell signed on as Bill O'Reilly's vibrator?

[Crooks and Liars]
5:26:37 PM    comment []

An open letter to IPSWITCH for their removal of ws_FtpLE

Just a quick note to let you know we used ftp le for years and were extremely pleased with it. Your newest abortion is totally unacceptable and certainly overpriced for it's so called performance! We have since switched to "core" and quite honestly would have uised that had we known about it prior to the le Core's functionality and ease of use and supprt are something you folks could take a lesson from.

It is our sincere hope you enjoy your newfound reputation as promoted by the bad reviews and individuals such as myself since the removal of Le and the introduction of your $34 and change piece of tripe!
Warmest regards
Yours in total greed for profit
Glen Goergen

12:35:02 PM    comment []

Online Chapel of Our Lady of the Grilled Cheese Sandwich 

is Now avaialable on eBay

11:51:09 AM    comment []

Reprinted by Permission: PA Parents File Suit over "Intelligent Design". Pennsylvania Parents File First-Ever Challenge To 'Intelligent Design' Instruction In Public Schools; 'Intelligent Design' Is Religious Argument, Not Science, Say Parents... Press release from Americans United HARRISBURG, PA-The American Civil Liberties Union of Pennsylvania, Americans United for Separation of Church and State and attorneys with Pepper Hamilton LLP filed a federal lawsuit today on behalf of 11... [morons.org headlines]
10:59:36 AM    comment []

Ogden Nash. "Progress might have been all right once, but it has gone on too long." [Quotes of the Day]
10:51:11 AM    comment []

A picture named son 003.jpgBible Crazy man gets three years!

Circumcision Attempt - Father sentenced to three years

Thursday, December 16, 2004
By STEPHANIE RICE, Columbian staff writer  

Ridgefield father Edwin B. Baxter asked God for mercy and a judge for understanding Wednesday as he faced sentencing for an attempted circumcision on his 8-year-old. Baxter said he was inspired to cut his son after reading Scripture and first consulted his wife.


Baxter likely will appeal on the grounds that Rulli did not let him use his Christian fundamentalist faith as a defense, but Rulli cast doubt that argument will fly.

"The court has steadfastly held that you can't jeopardize the health and safety of your family because of your religious beliefs," Rulli said.

Can you imagine if this defense was successful?

[Crooks and Liars]
10:49:54 AM    comment []

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