Usernum 1014 : There are no secrets, only information you don't yet have.
Updated: 1/5/03; 12:46:43 PM.


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Saturday, March 9, 2002

William Blake. "It is easier to forgive an enemy than to forgive a friend."
3:32:11 PM    Discuss

Just waking up here in Belgium, I just love tea with milk. Call me a wuss if you must.

Last night we premiered the BlogNewsNetwork radio show on dutch public broadcaster BNN. It's not easy explaining a radio show, especially since radio is tied to the cultural surroundings within its footprint, which is all of the Netherlands and parts of Belgium. A bit like the BBC is you want to compare it to anything.

In two hours we played about 15 songs, so plenty of talk in the show as well.

I want to connect the flow of information fom weblogs into the show. I think we hit on something with this.

Ever wonder where tv and radio shows get their 'experts'. Just what are the qualifications of said experts? Exactly, your guess is as good as mine.

Now, when I do a google search about psychology and come up with a weblog written by a hard working child psychologist I can make an informed decision about putting him on the air, as can my listeners make their own decision about him after they've heard him or a topic he mentioned that holds interest.

The secret you see, isn't about blogging while the show is running, or attempting realtime information. It's about what flows out of the show, back onto the web.

Anyway, another broadcast organization is promoting the shit out of a weblog one of their 'stars' is running. Thats good news, 'cause this is a country that picks up trends quickly.

I still don't know exactlyt where this is going to take us, but the ride is always the best part!
1:09:57 PM    Discuss

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