Tuesday, March 26, 2002 |
Just as I was wrapping up the day, something cool happened. While working on some beta software, Dave discovered that our tastes in music are quite similar. It gets worse, all the songs marked with an asterisk were selected by my 24 year old co-host. I'm 37, Dave is 44 (I think).
Now my eyes are opening. By sharing a list of items, like my playlist, in OPML format, I can include important information. Context somehow becomes apparent through a silent subcarrier embedded in nodetypes and outline structure.
Dave has just opened his music folder
10:59:21 PM
Instant Outliners are Go!
4:52:15 PM
I'm off to do be interviewd by an old friend; Jan Douwe Kroeske, who has been doing radio and tv shows in Holland almost as long as I have. I'm looking forward to appearing in his show, should be fun!
11:40:42 AM
Goodmorning from the Amsterdam sunshine. Don't hold your breath, the sun will fade :)
When I heard the news about the Afgahn earthquakes, the first thing that came to mind was "underground nuke detonation". The unfortunate truth is that the region is extremely prone to quakes.
11:36:55 AM
© Copyright 2003 Adam Curry.