Usernum 1014 : There are no secrets, only information you don't yet have.
Updated: 1/5/03; 12:47:13 PM.


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Sunday, March 17, 2002

We just got back from a round trip to Amsterdam. Patricia's company LaPaay Cosmetics were in full force at the showing of Paul Schulten's new Haute Couture collection.

As a guy, this would seem like pretty much the most boring night out, even though I was happy to go to support Patricia's company as well as Paul and ofcourse we always have fun together. But I was really surprised at how much fun I had.

I must make note of the fact that I had all areas access and had my digital camera along for the ride. I conjured up a quick gallery of our night. Not only was I backstage (snap!) but we had the best seats in the house, up front, in the center of the catwalk. Patricia is almost Royalty in Holland, so we always get the good seats. This however is pretty much the 'Pole Position' of any fashion show!

Because it's also the spot where each model does her 'spin', I was also the first to start the wave of approving applaus. I was louder than most and actually contemplated trying to start a wave...

In all, great show, beautiful clothes, make-up and women. Life is good :)
9:52:09 PM    Discuss

Toilet Paper Technology: "Here at ShitBegone, I know your ass is important. So I've designed ShitBegone with thousands of tiny micro-pockets, which actually lift away more feces per wipe than other leading brands". [via Gregory]

1:34:26 PM    Discuss

As an ordained minister I've performed over 80 wedding ceremonies. Even did a mass wedding in Austin Texas on Valentines day back in the 80's. I've done rooftops and mixed faith, but never had the pleasure of one on a U-boat.
12:08:38 PM    Discuss

Sharon Announces Cease-Fire Talks. Israeli Prime Minister Ariel Sharon is willing meet top Palestinian leaders soon with the intention of declaring a cease-fire that would halt nearly 18 months of Mideast fighting, Sharon's office said Saturday night. This is good news!
10:17:29 AM    Discuss

A picture named radioOpmlCoffeeMugHack.gifDave may think his new Really Cool Secret is for geeks only, but if I understand correctly, I could even syndicate (share?) formats, playlists and coffee mugs with opml stamped on the side.
9:26:52 AM    Discuss

Business Week: Today, people have a fondness for mixing, matching, and managing their tunes. Rip, mix, burn might sound like a hostile mantra to the Big Five labels. But it's a lifestyle for a generation of kids -- and for an increasing number of aging baby-boomers in their 50s and 60s. You can't legislate a lifestyle. Like a digital river, the flow of content over the Web will move around any obstacles.
8:42:57 AM    Discuss

Context is everything: I've been running this weblog for almost 3 years now, of which the past 2 on my own frontier/manila server and the past 6 weeks directly from Radio to my apache server.

I've noticed an interesting development since I've been using the 'comments' functionality: I'm actually getting comments.

This is quite new to me. I've always had a discuss link under each posting which would open up a fresh Manila discussion topic, but never receiveed more than 1 or 2 comments a day. Although practically identical in fuctionality, I believe it is the pop-up window and the simplification of this comments page that makes all the difference.

Ofcourse this is also the same format almost every other blog uses, so it's certainly a comfort thing as well. Conclusion, once again context matters and is closely tied to content.

Now for more tea.
8:39:47 AM    Discuss

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