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Friday, February 7, 2003

Drivel:  I have been reading Leadership by Rudi Giuliani.  In one section he explains how he loves the art of word selection in speech and written word.  I thought to myself when I read this that only a lawyer, reporter, or author would agonize as much as he described over a single word.  Over the past week I tested my hypothesis and found it not to be true.  A number of business people I know agonize over every word in a single slide of a huge presentation.  I am still not sure what value agonizing over every single word produces or at what point one should continue to agonize or move on.  In order to enjoy this type of agony (for me it is truly agony) one must have an elevated understanding of the English language, a love for the language, and a drive to constantly tune their skills using the language.  I believe that there is a perception that intelligence and the ability to manipulate language are directly related.  Are they?  I am not sure.  7:12:37 PM   comments ()  

Drivel:  My travels are almost over.  Just two flights to go and I get a week's reprieve.  I have been thinking a lot about work.  I have realized that there are people who work just to work and people who work for their beliefs.  I am completely convinced that the people who work for their beliefs are much more satisfied with their lives than people who work just to work.  Unfortunately, the majority of the American workforce works just to work because they do not have a clear understanding of how their beliefs are connected to their actions.  I am developing a belief that each action made by a person reflects completely on them and their beliefs.  Volumes can be written from a single action.  I am still developing this belief in that I am not sure I completely and thoroughly understand it, let alone how to live it.  7:02:07 PM   comments ()  

Drivel:  Here I sit in sunny Los Angeles contemplating getting on a place back to Boston where ten inches of new snow has just fallen.  There is something wrong with this picture.  6:53:19 PM   comments ()  

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Last update: 7/1/03; 7:42:26 AM.

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