Drivel: I attended Dave Winer's Live Blog this evening at Harvard. It was a very interesting conversation about very fundamental issues surrounding blogging. Things like integrity, authoring rules, and just getting started with blogging. In essence, this illustrates where the world is with blogging and the whole concept of free-flow self-publishing -- the beginning.
I took away a number of things. First, don't be afraid to put yourself out there in your blog. Second, blogging takes discipline. Remembering to write every day is a challenge. This is one of the fundamental things that I grapple with on this blog. Blogging competes with my work, travel schedule; work out schedule, and everything else. And, like every thing else, it is a matter of setting priorities. Finally, the individual authors and readers determine the rules surrounding blogging.
Some things that hit me after digesting a good portion of the conversation. The "blogging community", is far too concerned with itself. I am interested in using the underlying technologies of blogging to connect with people like me, make my time more productive, and ultimately make my life more efficient and meaningful. We are just starting to scratch the surface of what is possible in this realm. 10:10:38 PM