Stupid fun with news feeds
Sometimes, the fun just spills right out of your aggregator, with so little effort needed on your part... Tracing Bad Meat. Tracing Bad Meat To the Editor. It would seem, from the lead-in at least, this Old Gray Lady's reader would appear to have solved this mystery. I wonder if they bothered to let NYC's finest know about this editorial source of tainted beef? ;-) 9:14:01 PM [] blah blah blah'd on this![]() ![]()
Heh heh *cough* tease *cough* heh heh.
Cat. Bag. Officially out. 7:02:45 PM [] blah blah blah'd on this![]()
Kairosnews.org -- where rhetoric, technology and pedagogy intersect While I understand some people might enjoy a dense webpage (similar to how many portal pages are/were laid out), I am not one of them. I was a skimming reader of text before I started using computers way back when, and sites with this kind of a layout cause me to 'work too hard' to read them. So I usually don't. Blessedly for my old-fart eyes, Charles Lowe (wiley educator that he is) has enabled an RSS feed of the Kairosnews website... Thanks, Charlie, there's good stuff going on at your site that I do want to keep up on, and now it will be easier to do so. Update: Whoops, posted too soon. There is something funky with the RSS 0.91 feed from that site. When I try to subscribe, Radio spits back the following message: Can't subscribe to the channel. The most likely cure is to check the URL in a web browser and see if you can get it to read the feed. The following message probably won't help you figure out what went wrong, but we include it here because it might. "Can't get the address of "language" because the table doesn't have an object with that name." Crapcakes. I guess I'll have to modify an aggregator driver, and let it live in the user.xml.rss table to handle it... Luckily for me, others have already done the heavy lifting for this to actually happen. ;-) 6:19:44 PM [] blah blah blah'd on this![]()