Tony Collen: "So I've sold you on CSS, right?" No. [Scripting News]
There is an interesting discussion going on here. Most of templates in Radio and Frontier/Manila rely heavily on tables to control layout. A number of people think that a better approach is to rely solely on cascading style sheets (CSS) for layout. UserLand doesn't sound convinced.
Both approaches have pluses and minus. Tables weren't really designed for controlling layout. Using tables for complex layouts can generate incredibly obtuse and buggy html. The biggest problem with CSS that I have experienced is that not all browsers support them equally. So pages look great one browser but are unreadable on an other. In contrast, table based layouts are usually consistent from one browser to another. Still, it is tough to argue against the CSS holy grail of separating layout from content.
But that holy grail is still missing and will remain so a least until the browser all fully support CSS. Until then table based layouts are a viable solution.
But I also think that UserLand has some opportunities to support CCS more. For example, the Rules interface that is used with Radio outlines to generate formating could be CCS based. The addition of a <class> element within a rule could apply a CCS class to certain outline levels. This would provide much greater formating capabilities than are currently available through rules.
9:56:29 PM