Updated: 12/6/06; 8:27:12 AM.
Fluid Flow
Info about Antidunes, San Jose Neighborhoods, plus some Frontier/Radio scripting.

Tuesday, March 11, 2003

It turns out that my major grip about the Manila news aggregator was unwarrented. The aggregator is available as a Manila macro (viewAggregator), so you can add it to any page that you would like with any URL that you would like.

Apologies to UserLand for writing before completely exploring the new tool. And many thanks for implementing it.
11:12:55 AM    
Comment []

New Manila Feature: News Aggregator. "The News Aggregator feature for Manila allows server managers to offer a community aggregator for all of the sites on the server. The server manager chooses what feeds are available on the server, and the managing editor of each individual Manila site can choose what feeds are included on their site's aggregator page..." [Frontier News]

Yes! This is a very welcome feature. Now there is a connection between Radio and Manila and Manila's syndication features just became useful.

Now, can I gripe?

I know that this feature is work in progress, so I shouldn't expect it to be great. But, the process for adding subscriptions is cumbersom and must be done by the system administrator. This should be easier and available to Managing Editors.

The layout of the aggegator page is ugly. My users don't care how the page is generated. They just want to read the news.

The aggregator needs to be a macro. That way we can place it on any page that we like. And we don't need to add the lame explanation text. Doing this would get around my last grip.

The URL to the aggregator? Who goes to a site looking for an aggregator? Users are looking for News. The URL should be http://www.mysite.com/news not http://www.mysite.com/aggregator.
3:32:23 AM    
Comment []

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