I was pleased to see that soBig died today. My mail filters have been working overtime for the last couple of weeks. I was averaging about 200 worm laden messages per day.
As I have noted before, email is rapidly declining as a useful tool. It seems a shame. Free communication, brings us together, it makes us realize how small the world is.
But some people seem bent on polluting the world. They will exploit any free resource for a buck. And they will do it until the resource is destroyed. It doesn't matter if the resource is oil, fish, or email. The pattern is the same.
People tell me that these folks are just good capitalists and we should revere them. I disagree. If the exploit until dead model is good capitalism, then capitalism should be reviled. They use the same model as most parasites.
We humans are the recipients of 4.6 billion years of collective intelligence. Yet, most often, we seem to follow the the advice of that first virus that wanted to spread its DNA.
Why listen to the virus? It will kill the planet. Use your head and the 4.6 billion years of experience. Viruses are smarter now, why aren't we?
2:12:36 PM