Apple offers tip for AppleWorks slowness. No, the tip isn't to buy a faster Mac or to use a different program than the aging productivity suite from Apple. The advice is to clear the Recent Items list to help speed up opening the program as well as unusual slowness opening files with AppleWorks. [Mac Net Journal]
Rob complains that AppleWorks hasn't been updated since 1999. I am a little more indifferent. AppleWorks does the job for me. I use it to view Word and Excel documents. I occasionally use the spreadsheet. But, since most of my writing these is done in a browser, I rarely use a word processor.
I gave up on Word over ten years ago. It provided too many features that I never use. After using Word 3 and 4 on my dissertation, I stepped back to MacWrite and ClarisWorks. Now when I want to write, I use a text box in Safari, BBedit, or Radio Userland (when I want a little more structure). They keep me happy, and I don't feel compelled to upgrade every year.
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