Updated: 12/6/06; 8:32:28 AM.
Fluid Flow
Info about Antidunes, San Jose Neighborhoods, plus some Frontier/Radio scripting.

Tuesday, February 17, 2004

Yes, this is yesterdays news, but this morning the San Jose Mercury News put the Sharks story below the fold on the sports page. Above the fold was "Stanford takes No. 1 ranking in stride", "THE POWER OF THE PINSTRIPES", and "Dogers weclome DePodesta".

I will grant that Stanford being anointed No. 1 is the lead story. And I will accept some interest in the A-Rod to Yankees story (though...). But placing a front-office change in the Dodgers over one of the best San Jose Sharks games all year is moronic.

Before today, I was pretty sure that I subscribed to the San Jose Mercury News (and not the L.A Times). Now, I'm not so sure.

Don't get me wrong, some of my best friends are Dodg...

What am I saying.

The Mercury News screwed up. The second banner below the Stanford story should have been "Sharks Gound Flyers". Stories about changes in management in a sport that doesn't start for another two months belong on page 4.
6:22:30 PM    
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The WB Cancels Supernatural Drama 'Angel' (AP). AP - The WB has done what no vampire slayer could: It killed "Angel," the do-gooder bloodsucker with a soul. [Yahoo! News - Top Stories]

When I informed Michele, she said "Don't worry, I find some other show to fill up the new Tivo drive :-P."
5:45:42 PM    
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Pity we have an administration that thinks the Cambrian Explosion was another terrorist attack. - Cliff Winnig [From Whump]

Sorry that this post is a little incestuous, but I hadn't seen the quote before.
3:30:48 PM    
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Why, and How, Not to Use HTML in E-Mail. See these excellent instructions to stop using HTML in your e-mail software. You'll be safer from viruses and worms, and you'll have more privacy in your online world. [Dan Gillmor's eJournal]

I am going to pass the instructions on to our neighborhood email list, Other neighborhood list might be interested as well.
11:10:51 AM    
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