Updated: 12/6/06; 8:32:29 AM.
Fluid Flow
Info about Antidunes, San Jose Neighborhoods, plus some Frontier/Radio scripting.

Wednesday, February 18, 2004

As good as the Sharks were on Monday, they are that bad tonight. A minute or two into the third period and they are down 2-7. Four of the goals have come on the power play. I am guessing that the Sharks number one penalty kill in the league is gone.

The assessed penalties have been generally weak. There were a couple of clear dives and a number of weak slashes. If they are going to call you on a weak hack, you might as well try to really slash. Put some effort into it. But I don't think that is why penalties were created.

This game should be 2-3 right now. Oh well.
7:12:59 PM    
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I added an extra hard drive to my Tivo box. I now have 163 hours available for recording. The drive came just as things were getting critical. Michele had filled the original drive with the last years Gilmore Girls and Angel. There wasn't enough space left to record the Sharks games.

Now, I can record the games and not worry about squashing anything (at least for a while).

I wonder how long it will take us to fill the new drive?
4:41:53 PM    
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