Updated: 4/9/02; 7:54:05 PM. |
Russ Lipton Documents Radio simplex veri sigillum With a nod to Jenny Levine, Rules of Information from a librarian's point of view. We are not working from scratch when it comes to thinking about how to organize, find and provide access to knowledge. feedback: 3:02:07 PM
Serendipitously, David Berry and Working With FrontPage and Radio - another take on the WWW folder. Pay special attention to the cool stuff on file extensions and the lack thereof. Like so much in Userland's products, the real fun comes with the details. feedback: 9:28:19 AMHow To Open Your WWW Folder and peek inside. I'm still in fly-by mode on behalf of end users and filling in the holes to explain How To Manage Radio On The Desktop. feedback: 9:26:05 AM