Updated: 4/9/02; 7:55:10 PM.

 Russ Lipton Documents Radio
simplex veri sigillum

daily link  Tuesday, March 12, 2002

From the mailbag, commenting on my Userland Philosophy 102: Reading your discussion of the Userland concept as pointing ultimately toward a community of like-minded professionals (as one example: A community of lawyers attacking the irrational litigiousness of our culture) resonated.  I am a lawyer and I would like to see a forum where lawyers can share information about the judges that they appear before.  If the judges could read what the lawyers wrote, and know that the public at large was reading it too, they might be more industrious and fair-minded.  Of course, if the lawyers could make anonymous comments that would help.  Just a thought.  Thanks for your postings...

Kewl. How about some other community ideas - could help steer my documenting activities?

BTW, there is no shortcut to community building. It's an inch at a time which means a weblog at a time. You start in this instance with one lawyer, a weblog and build ....

  feedback:   9:18:17 AM  permalink  

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Last update: 4/9/02; 7:55:10 PM.