Okay, okay, okay. Now you can watch the Radio news flow down the right hand side, leaving me free to post about other, less important things. :)
When the news flow slows down a little, I'll probably change the contents of that RSS box to something a little more fun... Hmm. Maybe FARK?
Want to do this on your Radio Blog? Click here. 7:23:09 PM What does this Macro do? This rocks. It parses an RSS feed and puts it in a box on your page. [Robert Scoble: scobleizer] 7:07:54 PM
![]() Fark! I just deleted a whole bunch of news stories by mistake. Here's what happened: I was scrolling through the aggregated new on my local page, unchecking anything that looked interesting for reading and possible posting later. When I finished the first page I hit the delate button and began on page two. On page two, I was presented with the stories I'd saved from the first batch, and the new stories... I uncheck the newbies, but forgot all about the items I's previously unchecked. Hit erase, and boom, everything from the first page is gone.
Dave, is there an undo feature that I'm missing somewhere? 6:44:58 PM