Tommorow, I'm going to get all geeky-like and buy a PDA. I'm debating between a supper spiffy Sony Clie (several models), or a Handspring Treo 90. Neither option syncs to Mac OS X w/o third party software, which is a bummer, but none of the Palm models really appeal to me.
Right now, I'm leaning to the handspring due to its small size and built in keyboard but the truth is is, I won't know what I'm getting until I "eeny-meany-miney-mo" and whip out the credit card. 11:43:42 PM - U.N. backs 'dwarf-tossing' ban - Sep. 27, 2002: "Manuel Wackenheim began his fight in 1995 after the French ban meant he could no longer earn a living being thrown around discotheques and nightclubs by burly men. But on Friday, Wackenheim -- who measures 1.14 metres (3 feet 10 inches) -- lost his case when the U.N. human rights body ruled the need to protect human dignity was paramount."
I was going to make a dwarf tossing joke here, but really, it's just to easy of a target. 10:00:07 PM