Phil Ackley's Radio Thingumabob

daily link  Tuesday, September 10, 2002

A picture named boat.jpgI've been trying to figure out how to take an interesting photo of this abandoned dory since last february. I think I finally figured it out.  10:55:05 PM  permalink   Add a comment   

I didn't think I'd be creeped out by the anniversery of the terrorist attacks, but I have to admit that I am. I'm not sure if it's all the news coverage, Tom Ridge raising the threat level, or just my own overactive imagination, but I'm feeling edgy.

I'd like to say that I wish I could feel like like I did a year ago today, but I'm not going to say that. September 10th was a horrible day for me last year. It was the day I realized it was time to put my dog, Maggie, to sleep.  9:14:00 PM  permalink   Add a comment   

September 2002
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Updated: 11/20/02; 7:35:36 PM.