Friday, January 16, 2004 |
Colour photographs from 19th century Russia.
Sergei Mikhailovich Prokudin-Gorskii, working in the years
just before World War I, developed an ingenious process for
creating color image projections -- three black and white photographs
were taken (using red, green, and blue filters) and recombined
later via a projector.
Now, Addison Godel has gotten hold of a bunch of these images
from the Library of Congress archives -- and, using Photoshop,
has recombined them to provide unique colour photographs of
turn-of-19th/20th-century Russia.
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[Charlie's Diary]
3:59:55 PM Permalink
Electric Arc of Death?. Maybe you've seen the Electric Arc of Death video. OK, so maybe it's just capable of death if you get too close. But, if you work in the power industry like I do, I was amazed to see this rather impressive <a href="videohttp://oldcrows.net/~oldcrow/Lugo_SWR.mpg">video of a switchyard problem. Electric arcs involving switchgear for transmission lines are nothing new, and this link provides an excellent analysis of why this arc is occuring. Make sure you turn the volume up for an extra charge of excitement. [MetaFilter]
8:36:53 AM Permalink
© Copyright 2004 Steve Michel.