Wednesday, January 28, 2004 |
What Happened To Dean's Money?. This item is buried in a Wall Street Journal story on yesterday's primary: "The major Democratic contenders all have nearly exhausted their campaign treasuries; advisers say that even Mr. Dean, who raised an unmatched $40 million in 2003, has less than $5 million left. That leaves all the candidates largely... [Taegan Goddard's Political Wire]
Democrats should get this competition over fast, so the nominee can go to work raising funds. Remember W is going to spend upwards of $200,000,000 to get re-elected.
3:19:44 PM Permalink
Booble Explains Meaning Of Parody To Google Lawyers. As we predicted last week when the so-called "porn search engine" Booble launched last week, it didn't take long for Google's lawyers to swing into action and insist that Booble hand over the domain. Booble has the full letter on their site, and with it, their response, explaining to Google's lawyers the meaning (and legal protections) associated with a parody. They also knock Google for suggesting that Booble somehow "tarnishes" Google's image, but does it in a way you might not expect: "Entering the terms "porn" and "sex" in the Google search engine return 98,400,000 hits and 269,000,000 hits, respectively, while entering these same terms in the Booble adult search engine return 268 hits and 291 hits, respectively. Therefore, the Google mark - which has a longstanding association with pornographic terms and material - is obviously not tarnished." Also, Booble appears to have edited their "we're not Google" disclaimer to add: "(for starters, we have a sense of humor)."
2:07:47 PM Permalink
McNamara On Iraq. Tristero finds an interview with Robert McNamara who now believes that it is important to speak out on the mistakes being made in Iraq. McNamara pointed to 11 critical mistakes we made in Vietnam, and now he is seeing these same mistakes played out today. McNamara's 11 lessons In 1995, former U.S. secretary of defence Robert McNamara published In Retrospect, the first of his three books dissecting the errors, myths and miscalculations that led to the Vietnam War, which he now believes was a serious mistake. Nine years later, most of these lessons seem uncannily relevant to the Iraq war... [Pacific Views]
8:48:19 AM Permalink
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