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If he needs a third eye, he just grows it.
Updated: 10/23/2004; 1:12:36 PM.


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Tuesday, July 06, 2004

IDG to launch iPodworld magazine. IDG, the company behind Macworld and more than 300 other publications, will soon launch iPodworld -- a magazine dedicated to Apple's iPod, iTunes and iTunes Music Store... [MacMinute]

This is so strange. Can you imagine a magazine called "Wallkmanworld?"

6:14:50 PM  Permalink  comment []

Kerry and Edwards

Kerry made a great pick with Edwards. I really liked the guy in the primaries, he seems to have a great way of speaking directly and to the point. Slate has a great quote from him:

Think about this for a minute: He left college, and he volunteered three different ways. First he volunteered for military service. Then he volunteered to serve in Vietnam. And then he volunteered for some of the most dangerous, hazardous duty you could possibly have in Vietnam. As a result, he was wounded multiple times. He won a whole series of medals while he was there. And now—this is an amazing thing—a vice president of the United States who avoided service four, five, six times—I've lost count—[and] a president of the United States who can't account for a year of his national guard service are attacking John Kerry for the medals he won in Vietnam? You have got to be kidding me.

As Slate puts it, "Kerry sounds so much more attractive when Edwards is doing the talking."

2:59:51 PM  Permalink  comment []

BW.  Mark Zandi on the US economy. Today's data suggest that the President won't be able to tell voters the economy has recovered all the jobs lost on his watch. There's no chance. In June, private-sector jobs were 109.8 million. The peak was February of 2001, at 111.6 million. So we're 1.83 million away. There's no chance we'll regain those by Election Day, That will make him the first President since Hoover not to have added jobs on his watch.

It has been a very difficult four years. The 5.6% [unemployment] rate sounds low, but if you add the people who are underemployed or have stopped looking, the underemployment rate is probably closer to 10%.  And if you're unemployed, you're stuck: The duration of unemployment is about as long as it has ever been. In June [the average] was 19.9 weeks -- it doesn't get much longer than that. [John Robb's Weblog]
1:40:11 PM  Permalink  comment []

Bush's AIDS Hypocrisy Cons the NY Times. The NY Times bought Bush's lies in reporting on his laudatory comments about Uganda's AIDS prevention policy as if he supported condom use. Just one week earlier, Bush's Centers for Disease Control had issued vicious anti-condon regulations denying federal HIV-prevention funding to any organization that failed to include information on the lack of effectiveness of condoms in their educational efforts. And it was not as if the Times would have had to look hard to find criciticism of the CDC stance.
"There's only one word to describe the effect of the new CDC guidelines: lethal. And Bush's campaign boilerplate on AIDS in Philadelphia was "Pay no attention to that man behind the curtain" bilge. Too bad the Times didn't notice." (The Nation" [via walker])
[Follow Me Here...]
12:25:34 PM  Permalink  comment []

'Spider-Man' Gives the Summer One of Its Few Box Office Hits. "Spider-Man 2" broke box office records by taking in $180 million in its first six days in theaters, a rare hit in a summer filled with pricey "event" pictures. By By SHARON WAXMAN. [The New York Times > Movies]

I contributed my share to the Spiderman coffers yesterday. I enjoyed the movie quite a bit. It felt more real than most summer special effects blockbusters, thanks, I think to the performers and the screenplay. That feels like faint praise -- especially after last year when you wanted to take a shower after coming out of some of those movies, or you just had to go too far to suspend disbelief. I'm not saying I felt Spiderman was real, necessarily, but that the challenges of being Spiderman were presented well.

10:22:43 AM  Permalink  comment []

Happy Birthday Mister President.

I conclude from reports that the president has been running around D.C. all morning holding up fingers and telling passersby "I'm this many!" that today is his birthday. The Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee has thoughtfully prepared a series of e-cards in case you'd like to send your regards.

[Hit & Run]
9:59:29 AM  Permalink  comment []

Court Creates Snoopers' Heaven. A recent federal ruling clearing a rare-book dealer could make it legal for just about anyone to read e-mail or listen to voicemail as it moves through a network. News analysis by Kim Zetter. [Wired News]
8:43:09 AM  Permalink  comment []

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