Steve's No Direction Home Page :
If he needs a third eye, he just grows it.
Updated: 10/23/2004; 1:14:53 PM.


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Tuesday, July 27, 2004

The Convention Tonight

I missed Brother Bill's speech last night, but I heard from people all day telling me how great it was. It's hard to imagine, though, that he could have outdone Obama Barak's speech tonight. It was really great, and it reminded me somehow of Bill's best. This guy is really impressive, and it's probably too early to say so for sure, but we may be looking at the first black President or Vice President here. He hit all the right notes in all the right ways. I was just knocked out.

Ron Reagan's speech was also good, though I think he oversold the benefits of stem cell research, at least in the short term. If, as Shields and Brooks were saying, though, this can be a big issue in this election, it's hard to see how the Republicans have a leg to stand on after Reagan's speech. It's really funny, but somehow, in some of the gestures, Ron Jr. did remind me of the old man.

Finally, Teresa Heinz Kerry was terrific. If she's a less than exciting public speaker, she did hit all the right notes, and made a very good case.

The Democrats are really doing well, it seems to me. They're taking on the patriotism and "values" issues in just the right way. They're not doing anything that can be called a "hate fest" against Bush, but they're forcefully and strongly laying out the differences between the parties. The Republicans are offering fear and hatred. The Democrats are offering the hope that an America that trusts its history and values can offer.

I know I'm pumped up!

10:28:35 PM  Permalink  comment []

Dean outfoxes Hannity!

You've gotta see this clip. Howard Dean outfoxed Hannity last night live on the convention floor! Dean:

No, that's not what they said. As a matter of fact, that's what they didn't say. And if you think they should, you should watch "Outfoxed." It's a great movie that says why people like you say things like that on this television station.

Watch the full clip, it's fantastic. After Dean zings him, Hannity squirms and bumbles around. Pure beauty.

[Jim Gilliam]
2:23:51 PM  Permalink  comment []

Good Line

Mark Shields, via David Gergen: "During the Bush years we've created more gay marriages than manufacturing jobs." When will conservatives stop pushing their leftwing social agenda and start looking out for the working class?

2:20:16 PM  Permalink  comment []

Dynamic Menus with PHP, JavaScript, and MySQL

Here's a little piece I wrote this morning that shows you how to create dynamic menus on a form. Selecting an item from a popup select item automatically populates other fields on the form. Easy to do. Enjoy, and feedback welcome.
1:48:59 PM  Permalink  comment []

Working more for less

Andrew Brown: Where the money went. A must read. [ Daily]
9:25:40 AM  Permalink  comment []

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