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If he needs a third eye, he just grows it.
Updated: 10/23/2004; 1:15:53 PM.


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Friday, July 30, 2004

Tom Ridge Is Leaving the Administration

A nice catch from Jeffrey Dubner of The American Prospect. Tom Ridge is not leaving the administration to spend more time with his family; he is leaving the administration to spend more money on his family:

TAPPED: July 2004 Archives: STANDARD OF LIVING. I've got no speculation as to the reason Tom Ridge has made it public that he's likely to step down from his post as Secretary of Homeland Security after the November election. But the given explanation seems a bit off-message for the Bush-Cheney reelect campaign:

Ridge, 58, has explained to colleagues that he needs to earn money to comfortably put his two children, Tommy Jr. and Lesley, through college, officials said. Both are now teenagers. Ridge earns $175,700 a year as a Cabinet secretary.

Ridge doesn't need to spend more time with his family -- he just needs to spend more money on his family. Even Ridge's salary, which on its own puts his family among the top 5 percent of household incomes, isn't enough to pay for college. So much for the idea that families would "start to see some relief on the tuition front."

[Brad DeLong's Semi-Daily Journal (2004)]
6:23:00 PM  Permalink  comment []

Four funny minutes

Via [The Carpetbagger Report] comes this link to a very very funny George Bush campaign video.
3:20:32 PM  Permalink  comment []

Why Oh Why Can't We Have a Better Press Corps? (TV News Edition)

Paul Krugman bangs his head against the wall once again:

Triumph of the Trivial: Under the headline "Voters Want Specifics From Kerry," The Washington Post recently quoted a voter demanding that John Kerry and John Edwards talk about "what they plan on doing about health care for middle-income or lower-income people. I have to face the fact that I will never be able to have health insurance, the way things are now. And these millionaires don't seem to address that."

Mr. Kerry proposes spending $650 billion extending health insurance to lower- and middle-income families. Whether you approve or not, you can't say he hasn't addressed the issue. Why hasn't this voter heard about it?

Well, I've been reading 60 days' worth of transcripts from the places four out of five Americans cite as where they usually get their news: the major cable and broadcast TV networks. Never mind the details - I couldn't even find a clear statement that Mr. Kerry wants to roll back recent high-income tax cuts and use the money to cover most of the uninsured. When reports mentioned the Kerry plan at all, it was usually horse race analysis - how it's playing, not what's in it.

On the other hand, everyone knows that Teresa Heinz Kerry told someone to Shove It... the context was missing.... Richard Mellon Scaife, a billionaire who financed smear campaigns against the Clintons - including accusations of murder.... There are two issues here, trivialization and bias, but they're related. Somewhere along the line, TV news stopped reporting on candidates' policies, and turned instead to trivia.... Even on its own terms, such reporting often gets it wrong, because journalists aren't especially good at judging character. ("He is, above all, a moralist," wrote George Will about Jack Ryan, the Illinois Senate candidate who dropped out after embarrassing sex-club questions.)...

And since campaign coverage as celebrity profiling has no rules, it offers ample scope for biased reporting. Notice the voter's reference to "these millionaires."... [T]he Bush campaign has been "hammering away with talking points casting Kerry as out of the mainstream because of his wealth, hoping to influence press coverage." The campaign isn't claiming that Mr. Kerry's policies favor the rich - they manifestly don't, while Mr. Bush's manifestly do. Instead, we're supposed to dislike Mr. Kerry...

[Brad DeLong's Semi-Daily Journal (2004)]
1:32:25 PM  Permalink  comment []

I did the "Castle Walk," and I did the "Lindy," too!

...but you never did the Kenosha Kid.[Language Log]
10:50:27 AM  Permalink  comment []

Bush using drugs to control depression, erratic behavior

"Although the exact drugs Bush takes to control his depression and behavior are not known, White House sources say they are 'powerful medications' designed to bring his erratic actions under control. While Col. Tubb regularly releases a synopsis of the President's annual physical, details of the President's health and any drugs or treatment he may receive are not public record and are guarded zealously by the secretive cadre of aides that surround... [Rational Review News Digest]

This doesn't smell right to me. Especially when the psychiatrist says he has read "what Bush hast written." Heck, Bush can hardly read, let alone write.

9:55:02 AM  Permalink  comment []

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