Steve's No Direction Home Page :
If he needs a third eye, he just grows it.
Updated: 10/23/2004; 1:14:25 PM.


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Thursday, July 22, 2004

Let's not forget who fought the 9/11 Commission every step of the way. [The Carpetbagger Report]
12:12:17 PM  Permalink  comment []

Eclectic Group of Galaxies Captured by Hubble. While the Hubble Space Telescope infrared camera was imaging a piece of the sky as part of a scientific survey, operators decided to take a snapshot using its Advanced Camera for Surveys on an adjacent region - they weren't really looking at anything in particular. The image contains a jumble of unrelated galaxies, including a yellow spiral stretched by a galactic collision, a young blue galaxy with regions of starbirth, and some other small red galaxies. The blue arc in the middle of the image is actually a red galaxy which is serving as a gravitational lens to magnify a more distant blue galaxy. [Universe Today]
11:25:25 AM  Permalink  comment []


Dwight Merideth had an excellent post the other day called “The Top 10 Ways To Change The Tone in Washington (For the Worse).” He could not have anticipated that the White House would have such a spectacular topper:

The White House helped to block a Republican-brokered deal on Wednesday to extend several middle-class tax cuts, fearful of a bill that could draw Democratic votes and dilute a Republican campaign theme, Republican negotiators said.

The White House blocked a package of tax cuts, targeted at middle- and lower-income taxpayers, because the bill was moderate enough to attract Democratic votes. They chose to fail, by their own principles, rather than allow a small amount of concilliation with the other party. I have a hard time thinking of a more effective way to give the finger to the principle of bipartisanship.

Michael Froomkin says, “This may be one of the most cynical ploys in US politics I ever read about. And I read a lot.” Paperwight has much more; he makes a good comparison to the Republican refusal to accept a Democratic deal to confirm most of Bush’s judicial appointments. And, he notices that the White House is attempting to soothe tempers by allowing more pork in the budget.

These guys have got to go.

[Crooked Timber]
10:54:20 AM  Permalink  comment []

Possible Bush slogans.... Possible Bush slogans ... 1. Not as terrible as it could have been! 2. Four more years and we'll be safe! 3. Peace! 4. Incompetence and exaggeration, not bad-faith or lying, as shown in two recent reports! 5. Are you... [Talking Points Memo: by Joshua Micah Marshall]
9:28:41 AM  Permalink  comment []

Researchers Detail Landslides With Powerful New Space-born Imaging Techniques. A research team led by the University of California, Berkeley, has detailed the downhill movement of San Francisco Bay Area landslides using powerful new space-born imaging techniques. [ScienceDaily Headlines: Earth & Climate]
8:39:37 AM  Permalink  comment []

Bill O'Reilly Should Shut Up

Bill O'Reilly wants to shut you up. Here's a 30-second trailer for "Outfoxed," showing Fox News host Bill O'Reilly making the claim that he has told a guest to "shut up" only one time in six years, followed by ... well, take a guess.  [New Media Musings]

8:01:46 AM  Permalink  comment []

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