Ken Hagler's Radio Weblog
Computers, freedom, and anything else that comes to mind.

Tuesday, January 15, 2002

Yesterday I linked to a article on how to write a Perl script to generate RSS files from HTML. Well, it looks like someone has already done something better for Radio--a tool called Stapler. Unfortunately, the download link is broken and there is no email address for the author!
comment () trackback ()  10:36:20 PM    

US Treo delayed, Handspring to leave organizer market []

Palm is having financial problems too. It would be ironic if the very popular Palm platform loses out to the much less popular Pocket PC platform simply because Palm devices aren't profitable and their manufacturers can't afford to keep losing money.
comment () trackback ()  8:40:39 PM    

There doesn't seem to be any way to add a story via email--the regular mail-to-weblog feature just creates posts such as this one. That's fine most of the time, and it's really nice to be able to post new items using this Newton or even a cell phone.

Sometimes, though, it would be nice to post a new story via email. I think this could be done easily enough by allowing the user to define two "secret subjects," one for regular posts and one for stories.
comment () trackback ()  8:22:17 PM    

'American Taleban' to face civil trial. American Taleban member John Walker Lindh is to be handed over to the US Justice Department to face a charge of aiding terrorism. [BBC News: world]

Treason against the United States, shall consist only in levying war against them, or in adhering to their enemies, giving them aid and comfort. No person shall be convicted of treason unless on the testimony of two witnesses to the same overt act, or on confession in open court.

US Constitution, Article 3, Section 3
comment () trackback ()  2:24:09 PM    

Should Public Funds Mean Public Code? [Slashdot]

If the government is going to steal my money at gunpoint and give it to some programmer, it's only right that I should be able to use the resulting code. Of course, a government concerned with what's right wouldn't be stealing my money in the first place. Personally, I'd rather there was no publicly funded code. Let me keep the money and use it to buy the software I want.
comment () trackback ()  2:17:31 PM    

Murder at Rainbow Farm. Grover Crosslin and Rolland Rohm were murdered. They were murdered by cops just following orders, by lawmakers who put evil statutes on the books, and by a mealy mouthed prosecutor named Scott Teeter who tried to excuse the bloody mess. [ Civil Liberties]
comment () trackback ()  12:16:05 PM    

Scientists probe bizarre shark birth. Marine biologists are puzzled by a shark that gave birth even though it was kept only with females of the species. [BBC News: sci/tech]

If sharks were intelligent they could invent a religion based around this baby shark and then spend the next two thousand years murdering each other over it. Then again, maybe the sharks really are the intelligent ones.
comment () trackback ()  9:21:19 AM    

Lawyers, lawyers, and (yes) more lawyers on Borland flap [Politech]

Borland's new license gives them the power to invade your home or business looking for pirated copies of their software. Theoretically this is to prevent people from using more copies than they payed for. However, it seems to me that it's counterproductive even without the privacy concerns.

If someone is going to pirate Borland software with this license, they are better off pirating all of their copies instead of only some. If they do that then they never agreed to the license, because they never payed for any legal copies, and if Borland wants to go after them they have to get a warrant.
comment () trackback ()  6:36:06 AM    

A Flat, Flat, Flat Screen World. With Apple leading the way, flat screens are set to replace traditional monitors for good. 'In the next two years every major player will market an all-in-one flat panel (computer system),' says one analyst. By Jeffrey Benner. [Wired News]

Although flat screens are becoming more popular, they won't replace CRTs completely because of the color shift problem. Look at an LCD monitor, then move your head three inches and notice how all the colors look a little different. For people who work with photographs and video, this is unacceptable--the colors must be accurate at all times. Ironically, Macs are very popular among such people because of ColorSync.
comment () trackback ()  6:26:03 AM    

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