Ken Hagler's Radio Weblog
Computers, freedom, and anything else that comes to mind.

Wednesday, January 16, 2002

Thought for the day:

Many men stumble across the truth, but most manage to pick themselves up and continue as if nothing had happened.

Winston Churchill
comment () trackback ()  11:00:32 PM    

The world press on the pretzel incident. [OpinionJournal]

The quote from the Arab News is particularly amusing.
comment () trackback ()  10:51:30 PM    

I've been reading here and there about Google scanning the Radio weblogs, so I just did a search for mine. It doesn't show up, although various Radio weblogs do. What's really strange is that two different "recently changed weblogs" lists do show this page! I wonder how that happened?
comment () trackback ()  10:25:34 PM    

US Marines - US special forces, including Navy SEALs and Marines, have landed in the Phillipines to aid the Phillipine government's fight against Islamic terrorists. [nosi News]

So now we're fighting Islamic terrorists in the Phillipines. I wonder if they're still called Moros?
comment () trackback ()  9:45:50 PM    

Arrest underscores pilots' frustration. US Airways employee said he could crash his jet without a weapon, authorities say. [USA]

It's not just pilots who are frustrated, they just have to put up with such nonsense more often. Recreating Nazi Germany in our airports is a great way to discourage people from flying, but there is no way it can prevent terrorists from getting on planes. The only way to do that is to ban everyone from flying.
comment () trackback ()  7:14:17 PM    

It looks like my Symantec stock options are back to being worthless. For a few minutes last Thursday they were actually worth $3/share, which is a record. It's only the second time since my options vested that they had any value! It makes me glad I don't work for a "dot com."
comment () trackback ()  5:31:00 PM    

The Winter of Our Discontent: It's winter for the cause of liberty, too. Religious criminals have dealt a shattering blow to the heart of the nation's principal city. Politicians, instead of trying to discover who really did it, or acting to keep it from happening again, concentrate on measures that guarantee it will keep happening because, politically, there's everything to be lost, and nothing to be gained, from stopping it. [The Libertarian Enterprise]
comment () trackback ()  5:03:50 PM    

The price of freedom: Libertarianism is pro sweatshops, anti compulsory education, and gung ho for free, unfettered markets. You may find it has merits as a political system. Just don't expect it to help you score points with that cute bohemian painter. [National Post Online]
comment () trackback ()  4:19:59 PM    

Apple sees very strong new-product. Apple has seen the strongest new-product demand for the redesigned iMac desktop computer since the original iMac was launched about three years ago, according to CFO Fred Anderson, who also reinterated that it would ship at the end of the month and that demand had outstripped Apple's expectations. [MacNN]

The real question is whether the demand will last. As I recall, there was a strong initial demand for the Cube, but that was still a flop.
comment () trackback ()  3:38:21 PM    

If I validate this page using the W3C HTML Validation Service I get a really long list of errors. It would be nice if Radio produced valid HTML. DreamWeaver shows that it's possible for a commercial HTML generating product to produce valid HTML, after all.
comment () trackback ()  3:04:01 PM    

Cannabis medicine trial expanded. Clinical trials of cannabis-based medicines are to be expanded to treat pain in terminal cancer patients. [BBC News: sci/tech]

Good for the English! Unfortunately, the US government is still loudly insisting (despite all evidence to the contrary) that marijuana has no medicinal value.
comment () trackback ()  2:20:45 PM    

Cursed by Interesting Times. Russell Madden at Laissez Faire City Times - Cursed by Interesting Times - Mr. Madden transforms the Chinese curse into a blessing. May you live in boring times.
We are treated daily to the sorry spectacle of politicians and their cohorts praising freedom while destroying its very foundations. The principles expressed in our Constitution are transformed from cherished guidelines invaluable in helping us deal with the current crisis to unpleasant obstructions to be subverted and overcome by any means necessary. The excesses our citizens suffered in the past -- various alien and sedition acts, press restrictions, concentration camps interning our citizens -- are deemed irrelevant to this "war" or, worse, merely ignored.

Anonymous citizens slap physical flags on their car while remaining innocent of any knowledge of what constitutes true liberty. These are the same folks who see no reason for concern over national identification cards, surveillance cameras blanketing our cities, secret evidence, indefinite detentions, denial of legal representation, wiretaps on phones and computers, humiliating airport "security" searches, and the multitude of burgeoning controls inherent in establishing and maintaining an incipient police state. Abstractions mean little to such "concrete patriots." Indeed, they are the first to attack you for not mindlessly supporting the unconstitutional behaviors of the politicos hunkered down behind their concrete barriers in Washington, D.C.
[End the War on Freedom]
comment () trackback ()  2:12:47 PM    

In Gold We Trust. Julian Dibbell at Wired - In Gold We Trust - An article on the modest success of e-gold, "gold itself, circulated electronically". And why basing currency on gold is a really good idea. [End the War on Freedom]

I've been mildly interested in e-gold since I first heard about it last year. I've never put any money in the system, though--it's a little hard to trust anycompany with "e" or ".com" in the title to be around in six months. Still, a lengthy article in Wired is bound to help them.
comment () trackback ()  2:08:18 PM    

Borland Backs Down [Slashdot]

Borland has dropped their absurd license wherein they gave themselves permission to poke around customers' computers. I guess they finally figured out that if they went ahead, they wouldn't have any customers to spy on.
comment () trackback ()  1:38:25 PM    

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