Ken Hagler's Radio Weblog
Computers, freedom, and anything else that comes to mind.

Sunday, February 10, 2002

Thought for the day:

Most of the world's great religions are hijacked from time to time by men who use the religious faith of others to manipulate them for self serving purposes. Environmentalism is different however. It is not a religion that happens to be manipulated from time to time for political purpose--for the power and money it can bring to its controllers. Environmentalism is a religion which has been deliberately created, for the sole purpose of manipulating its followers.

Arthur B. Robinson
comment () trackback ()  10:18:26 PM    

I spotted this post about what free trade actually means, and I thought it went well with the two reports from the investors visiting Somalia.

So the European Union, having stopped Africans making a respectable living as producers and traders by denying them access to us, then bestows a lesser largesse via 'Third World Aid'. Adding insult to injury, the EU then expects gratitude from the very people they have discriminated against. Of course what happens is that Africans, now being dependent on largesse rather than their own efforts, take on the character of beggars, whiny when desperate and sullen when temporarily a little better fed. We in our turn take on the character of patronising social workers-cum-lords of the manor. What a pity, when we could be interacting as equals and fellow human beings.

comment () trackback ()  10:04:25 PM    

'Fish protection' debunked as motive for bankrupting Oregon farmers. Vin Suprynowicz - 'Fish protection' debunked as motive for bankrupting Oregon farmers - part of The Libertarian series. Now that the scientific studies have been done, it turns out that there were no endangered Sucker Fish above the Klamath Basin Dam. I wish the folks who destroyed all those farms were an endangered species. That's one extinction about which I could cheer.
The Klamath Valley abomination has never been about saving fish -- it's been about the antigrowth agenda of radical environmental groups like the Oregon Natural Resources Council, whose spokesmen hate the region's very lushness because it's artificial. Such groups forthrightly state their goal is to force farmers off the land. In this case, the Oregon "greens" drafted a plan which calls for the federal government to buy much of the basin's farmland, turning a lush and verdant valley which feeds hundreds of thousands of Americans back into as a "desert preserve."
[End the War on Freedom]

I'm not surprised. In fact, after the discovery of the planted lynx fur, I'd be suspicious even if the study had supported the ecofreaks' claims.
comment () trackback ()  9:20:11 PM    

I ran across interesting reports of two trips to Somalia in 1998 and 2000 by representatives of a company looking for investment opportunities. They present a very different view of modern Somalia than the doom and gloom articles written for the mainstream media by people who have never been within 1000 miles of the country.
comment () trackback ()  7:04:06 PM    

New York Times - free registration required Web of Details Did Enron In as Warnings Went Unheeded. Not privacy related but thought you might find it of interest. [Privacy Digest]

Enron, which was supposed to have found its future in cyberspace, instead had turned to the Internet to declare its demise.

This pretty well sums it up--Enron was a "dot com." It had the smoke-and-mirrors business model, the vague speeches about how the company would "change the world," the same foolish employees relying on company stock to get rich. It's hardly surprising that it suffered the fate of so many other dot coms.
comment () trackback ()  3:00:33 PM    

Eve Andersson shares what she learned about VCs at Ars Digita. Summary: Murphy's Law applies to financing too.  [Scripting News]

What can we learn from this? Be clear about control. Don't assume that people with MBAs know a thing about business, let alone technology. Don't throw out your prime source of revenue before another one is in place. Fashionable programming languages don't equal useful software. Don't lie. And steer clear of General Atlantic Partners and Greylock.

To this I would add another lesson, which seems obvious to me from reading the story. If your company is already profitable and growing, do not seek or accept any venture capital!
comment () trackback ()  10:11:20 AM    

Gunmen Open Fire in Southern Israel. At least two Palestinian gunmen opened fire Sunday on the street outside a large Israeli military base in the southern city of Beersheba, wounding at least six people before they were shot dead, the Israeli media reported. [AP World News]

Many soldiers on their lunch break were on the streets Sunday afternoon, and they began firing back at the attackers, Israel's Army Radio reported.

The two attackers were shot dead, but there were reports that a third managed to escape, Israel Radio said.

The story on the American news site mysteriously fails to mention that any civilians were shooting back. What a surprise.
comment () trackback ()  6:08:30 AM    

Militants die attacking Israel base. At least three people are killed as suspected Palestinian militants go on a shooting spree in the southern Israeli town of Beersheba. [BBC News: world]

Police told Reuters news agency that several Israelis, both soldiers and civilians, had shot and killed the two gunmen.

This version of the story mentions that Israeli civilians helped stop the terrorists.
comment () trackback ()  6:05:02 AM    

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