Ken Hagler's Radio Weblog
Computers, freedom, and anything else that comes to mind.

Tuesday, December 03, 2002

There's something wrong with the News Is Free site--I get a message which says, "This site is closed until further notice...."

That's annoying. The site provides XML feeds for many news sites which don't provide their own, but the story links go to their site which redirects users. With their site down, I can't read the storys.
comment () trackback ()  11:41:48 PM    

I'm looking at Groove on my new PC. It seems pretty interesting, but unfortunately it's not available for the Mac. That limits its usefullness severely, since nobody I know actually has a PC.
comment () trackback ()  7:35:59 PM    

Network World: Companies defend against Chinese censorship charge. A number of technology companies defended themselves Monday against charges made by human rights group Amnesty International that they were assisting the Chinese government's efforts to censor the Internet. [Tomalak's Realm]

Microsoft and Cisco said Monday that they merely provide technology and don't control how customers use that technology.

Who do they think they're kidding? Nobody's forcing them to sell to China. When they do, they can't seriously pretend to be surprised that a vicious dictatorship uses their technology for bad things. Sure, they have every right to sell to whoever they want, but it's ridiculous for them to pretend ignorance of what the Chinese will do with what they sell.
comment () trackback ()  6:51:45 PM    

Explaining Japan's Recession. After decades of "miracle" economic growth since World War II, Japan's economy abruptly faltered in 1990 and has stagnated since. Why? Neither the Keynesian nor Monetarist explanations can provide an account. Only the Austrian theory of the business cycle provides the explanation. [Ludwig von Mises Institute]

A lengthy explanation of Japan's economic problems, the reasons why it hasn't gotten any better, and what could be done to solve the problems. Japan's problems are likely to occur in the US as well, so it's a good idea to watch the situation there.
comment () trackback ()  12:20:26 PM    

Blair: Saddam's 'appalling regime'. UK Prime Minister Tony Blair tells BBC News Online that human rights abuses in Iraq are "unique in their scale and intensity". [BBC News | Front Page | UK Edition]

"Unique in their scale and intensity?" Please. Iraq has less than 25 million people. Saddam could murder everyone in Iraq and he still wouldn't come close to the human rights abuses of the People's Republic of China--there just aren't enough people for him to victimize.

Absurd hyperbole doesn't help the cause of those who want to invade Iraq. When Blair makes statements like this, it inevitably raises the question of what else he's lying about that's not so obvious.
comment () trackback ()  9:52:40 AM    

Mozilla 1.2.1 Released [Slashdot]

I tried to install this on both my PowerBook and my work PC. The PC version was fine, but unfortunately the Mac version wasn't. There was only a "net install" rather than a real installer, and it took several tries to get it working. When it did, the app it installed not only didn't work, but screwed up my Mozilla prefs. I ended up reverting to 1.2 (thanks to Versiontracker for retaining the URL), and salvaging my bookmarks.

I think I'll wait for 1.2.2 on the Mac before trying again. It's not like I've encountered any of the DHTML-using sites that 1.2.1 is supposed to work with, after all.
comment () trackback ()  9:47:46 AM    

PGP Desktop, Personal 8.0 for Mac OS X [The Macintosh News Network]

But no Mac version, alas. I'd try it on my new PC, but there doesn't seem much point to installing security software on an inherently insecure system.
comment () trackback ()  8:38:06 AM    

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